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PIERCE TRANSIT’S NEW TITLE VI POLICIES Jay Peterson Senior Manager, Transit Development


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Service Hours Fta circular background


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PIERCE TRANSIT’S NEW TITLE VI POLICIES Fta circular background OVERVIEW New Adopted Policies Development of Policies Public Outreach Equity Analysis

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PIERCE TRANSIT’S NEW TITLE VI POLICIES Fta circular background New Policies Required by FTA Major Service Change – What is “major” to your agency’s service area? Disparate Impact – Unintentional discrimination based on race, color, or national origin resulting from a neutral policy Disproportionate Burden – Affects low income populations more than non-low income populations as a result of neutral policy

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TITLE VI EQUITY ANALYSIS Fta circular background

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MAJOR SERVICE CHANGE POLICY Fta circular background A major service change is defined as any change in service on any individual route that would add or eliminate more than twenty percent of the route revenue miles or twenty percent of the route revenue hours. >20% change=equity analysis required 20% Adverse effect =reduction in service based on time or geography

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PIERCE TRANSIT’S NEW TITLE VI POLICIES Fta circular background New circular Webinars Other transit agencies Coordinate with FTA Our demographics Our ridership

10 41% 12.4% Our Community Service Area Minority Population
Service Area Low Income Population 12.4%

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DISPARATE IMPACT POLICY Fta circular background 10% A disparate impact occurs when the minority population adversely affected by a fare or service change is ten percent more than the average minority population of Pierce Transit’s service area. PHOTO

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DISPROPORTIONATE BURDEN POLICY Fta circular background 5% A disproportionate burden occurs when the low-income population adversely affected by a fare or service change is five percent more than the average low-income population of Pierce Transit’s service area. PHOTO

13 41% 12.4% Our Community Service Area Minority Population
Service Area Low Income Population 12.4%

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PUBLIC OUTREACH Fta circular background Thurs., Jan.31, 4:30-6:30pm Community Transportation Advisory Group Pierce Transit Training Center Served by Routes 48 & 300 Tue., Feb 5, 4:30-6:30pm Community Open House Sheridan Elem. School Served by Routes 42, 54 & 56 Wed., Feb. 6, 11:30 - 1:30pm Community Open House Centro Latino Served by Routes 28 & 57 Mon., Feb. 11, 4:00pm Public Hearing Pierce Transit Training Center Served by Routes 48 & 300

15 Revised Service Reductions 417,000 annual service hours to 300,000
Board Adopted: Weekday and Limited Weekend Weekdays 36 routes operating 1250 daily trips Limited service after 7 pm Limited mid-day service Saturdays 24 routes operating 456 trips No service after 7:00 pm Limited service during mid-day Sundays 15 routes operating 244 trips Holidays No Service Eliminated Route 62 SHUTTLE SHUTTLE paratransit service for eligible people with disabilities operates during the same days and times as local bus service. As bus service is reduced or eliminated, SHUTTLE service will also be reduced or eliminated.

Route No. 1 2 3 10 11 13 14 16 28 41 42 45 48 51 52 53 54 55 56 Reduction in HOURS (%) -21 -22 -5 -8 -36 -42 -16 -23 -27 -11 -41 -19 -29 -7 -15 Reduction in MILES (%) -24 -39 -35 -72 -12 -17 -40 -20 -30 Route No. 57 62 100 102 202 204 206 212 214 300 400 402 409 410 495 497 500 501 System Reduction in HOURS (%) -51 -100 -17 -11 -40 -28 -52 -37 -27 -32 -31 5 -78 -26 Reduction in MILES (%) -41 -29 -33 6 -77 -28.5

17 Disparate Impact Analysis
Routes with a reduction of 20% or more in revenue hours and / or revenue miles Summary of Service Change Minority Proportion of Population Census Blocks Along Routes Average Population in Service Area Difference Frequency and/or Span of Service Reductions 42.8% 41.0% 1.8% Difference>10%? No = No Disparate Impact

18 Disproportionate Burden Analysis
Routes with a reduction of 20% or more in revenue hours and / or revenue miles Summary of Service Change Low Income Proportion of Population Census Tracts Along Routes Average Population in Service Area Difference Frequency and/or Span of Service Reductions 13.2% 12.4% 0.8% Difference >5%? No = No Disproportionate Burden

19 Route Elimination 38.9% 41.0% -2.1% 6.3% 12.4% -6.1%
Summary of Service Change Minority Proportion of Population Low Income Proportion of Population Census Blocks Along Routes Average Population in Service Area Difference Census Tracts Along Routes Route Elimination 38.9% 41.0% -2.1% 6.3% 12.4% -6.1%

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TITLE VI ANALYSIS SUMMARY Fta circular background September 2013 Service Change: “Major” (i.e. a change of >20%) for 23 of 37 routes Time based changes to 22 routes and elimination of one route result in: No disparate impact to minority populations No disproportionate burden to low income populations

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