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Practice with objectives

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1 Practice with objectives

2 Students will be able to execute a throw to a stationary target demonstrating the appropriate cues
SWBAT to hit the stationary target such that the catcher takes no more than one step

3 Students will be able to take their pulse and determine if they are exercising in the target heart range demonstrate proper aerobics movements for 40% of class

4 Students will get into pairs and practice receiving and passing

5 Students will be able to describe the basic components and properly perform a zone defense in basketball

6 Students will be able to cooperatively work in teams as evidence by supportive communiation and no put downs.

7 Students will be able to dribble a basketball and maintain possession of a basketball while playing

8 Students will be able to analyze and apply the techniques of dribbling and a basketball into drills and game play.

9 Students will be able to work together to touch each ply spot in numerical order one at a time

10 Students will learn the fundamentals of receiving and passing the puck

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