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Case Study.

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1 Case Study

2 Automatic Washing Machine:
1.EEPROM 1st byte – store the state (wash, rinse cycle 1,rinse cycle 2 and drying) 2.EEPROM 2st byte – store the time in minutes already spent at the current stage 3.EEPROM 3st byte – store the status of the user set buttons 4.128 byte EEPROM sufficient in Micro controller 5. Embedded software with in 4KB ROM at Microcontroller 6.RAM – used for few variables and stacks 7.Internal RAM – 128B sufficient 8. No External memory

3 Chocolate vending machine:
– EEPROM bytes are required to store the time and data - Store the machine status and number of each type of coins in the cash collection channel and coin – refunding channel. - 128B EEPROM in microcontroller - software with 4kB ROM at the microcontroller - RAM is needed for variables and stacks. - Internal RAM of 128B sufficient - No external memory is required

4 Digital camera: 1.(i)Assume a low resolution uncolored digital camera system. (ii) The gif (Graphic image format) compressed format images are recorded. (iii) Assume that image has Quarter-CIF (common Intermediate Format) of 144x176 pixels. 25344 pixels are stored per image Assume that compression reduces the image by factor 8 and it required 3KB per image will be required Flash requires 0.2M for 64 camera images. (ie) 256kB is requied Total memory requirement is 64kB ROM, 256 kB flash and 1MB RAM.

5 Voice Recording System:
8-bit pulse code modulation of the voice signal - 64kbps required Assume voice data compression factor 8,ikB flash is required per second. 4 MB flash required for each hour record Voice compression and decompression algorithm used Compression -64kB ROM used Decompression – 1MB One hour voice recorder system is estimated to require memory device are 64kB ROM, 4MB flash and 1MB RAM.

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