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Poolroom Math Objective: Students will be able to measure angles and apply properties to real world situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Poolroom Math Objective: Students will be able to measure angles and apply properties to real world situations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poolroom Math Objective: Students will be able to measure angles and apply properties to real world situations.

2 Angles What is an angle? What makes an angle? Formed by 2 rays with a common endpoint Rays are called the sides of the angle Common endpoint is called the vertex Named by using 3 points on the angle, one point on each side and the vertex, the point that represents the vertex always has to be in the middle or written second

3 Angle

4 Measure of an angle You use a protractor to measure an angle – different kinds different ways to do it Angle measure is in degrees Angle is always the shortest rotation between the two sides about the vertex Reflex measure is the largest rotation or the angle subtracted from 360

5 Using a Protractor 2 different kinds in your boxes and some may still have others

6 More Terms Congruent Angles – have the same angle measure, congruency markings Angle Bisector – cuts an angle in half to have 2 congruent angles These terms will be used a lot throughout the year

7 Virtual Pool Incoming Angle is the angle formed with the path of the ball and the cushion (smaller of the two angles) Outgoing Angle is the angle formed by the cushion and the path of the ball leaving ( smaller angle) Key idea here is the incoming angle and the outgoing angle are congruent

8 Investigation In your groups work on the Virtual Pool Math problem Answer the questions and work as a group

9 Objective: Students will be able to measure angles and apply properties to real world situations. On a scale of 1 to 4 Do you fee we meet the objective for the day. If we did not meet the objective, what did we miss and how could I improve.

10 Homework Pg 42 1,7-10, 16 and 17, 31-34

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