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Derivatives of Algebraic Functions

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1 Derivatives of Algebraic Functions
Chapter 27

2 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* Derivative of a function raised to a power (Power rule): Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

3 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

4 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

5 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* In-class practice: Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

6 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

7 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
* Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

8 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
In-class assignment In-class examples Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

9 27.4 Derivative of a Function Raised to a Power
In-class examples Paul A. Calter and Michael A. Calter, Technical Mathematics with Calculus.

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