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Changes in DNA that affect genetic information

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1 Changes in DNA that affect genetic information
MUTATIONS Changes in DNA that affect genetic information


3 How unique is your DNA? You share 100% of the same genes as all other humans. The reason you are different is that you have different forms of these genes. You share 98% of the same genes as a chimpanzee. You share 92% of the same genes as a mouse or any other mammal.

4 Monstrous Mutations Time!

5 Are we using all of our DNA?
Scientists estimate that less than 10% of our DNA is actually ‘functional’ and providing the instructions the body needs to survive Some sections of our DNA repeat codes over and over again; other parts hold genes that are inactive

6 How are your traits decided?
The order of nitrogen bases in your DNA determines your traits Different orders of bases code for different forms of each gene Ex: If you take the letters M, A, N, E, you can make different words that look and sound differently. MANE, MEAN, NAME, AMEN

7 Sometimes changes in DNA just happen.
Our DNA can change without warning, which changes the genes and how they behave. Factors that cause changes in our DNA: Errors when DNA is copied for new cells Environmental factors change DNA (nicotine, sunlight, x-rays, chemicals Mutations are inherited from the parents

8 Monstrous Mutations Time!

9 Define mutation A mutation is any change in the sequence of bases in an organism’s DNA

10 Not all mutations are bad!
When ‘coded’ regions of DNA have mutations, a few results can occur: Negative effect – organism’s chance of survival decreases (Tay-Sachs disease, animal in wild born with two heads) Neutral effect – organism’s chance of survival is not affected (human born with extra toe, gluten intolerance, birth marks, eye color) Beneficial effect – organism’s chance of survival increases (carriers of sickle cell gene are resistant to Malaria, people with a mutated osteoporosis genes have super-strong bones)

11 Genetic Diseases / Disorders
A genetic disease or disorder is an illness caused by a mutated gene or by a damaged chromosome pair

12 Monstrous Mutations Time!

13 Chromosome Mutations Down Syndrome Have an extra 21st chromosome.
Children with Down Syndrome develop slower, may have heart and stomach illnesses and vary greatly in their degree of intelligence.

14 Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
XYY Syndrome Normal male traits Often tall and thin Associated with antisocial and behavioral problems

15 Can you give yourself cancer?
Our behaviors may be putting ourselves at risk Exposing ourselves to mutagens (nicotine, sunlight, radiation)

16 Monstrous Mutations Time!

17 Cancer Illness caused by uncontrolled cell growth that take over healthy cells Most are caused by random mutations or environmental factors

18 Characteristics of Cancer
Avoids cell death Doesn’t listen to body’s ‘STOP’ growing signals Able to spread to other areas of the body

19 Causes of Cancer Inherited from parents Radiation (UV, x-rays)
Chemicals (nicotine, asbestos, arsenic)

20 Monstrous Mutations Time!

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