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Discourse Measurement

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1 Discourse Measurement
Scale 0 - No opportunity given 1 - Opportunity provided, but students were off task 2 - One proficient characteristic observed 3 – Two proficient characteristics observed 4 – Three proficient characteristics observed 3 Characteristics: Focused 3+Turns Turns build

2 Discourse Quality 2.5 1.5

3 Peer Dependent Talk Time
32% 22%

4 Goals for 2016 - 17 2.75 40% Discourse Quality:
Peer Dependent Talk Time: 2.75 40%

5 The Five Practices Anticipating Monitoring Selecting Sequencing

6 Anticipating What strategies are students likely to use to solve the math task? Where will students get stuck? What strategies are likely to be most useful in addressing the math goal?

7 Monitoring Keep your mathematical goal in mind.
Roaming while observing and listening. Keep track of what you are seeing and hearing. Ask questions to help make students thinking visible, to help students clarify their thinking, and to make sure students are engaged.

8 Selecting Determine which ideas (what) and students (who) the teacher will focus on during the discussion. Selecting gives the teacher the control over what the whole class will discuss to guide the discussion toward the math goal.

9 Sequencing Sequencing is the process of determining the order in which to present student work. Order the work in such a way as to make the math accessible to all students and to build a mathematically coherent story line (more concrete and move to more abstract). Keep the mathematical goal in mind.

10 Connecting This practice is the most challenging.
Teachers craft questions that will make the mathematics visible and understandable. This practice is embedded within the other practices. End your lesson with direct instruction using student quotations to solidify the learning goal.

11 Fourth Grade Tim, Sarah, and Jane each bought the same candy bar after school. Tim ate 𝟏 𝟐 of his candy bar. Sarah ate 𝟐 𝟒 of her candy bar. Jane ate 𝟒 𝟖 of her candy bar. Who ate the most of their candy bar? How do you know? Justify your reasoning. Math goal: Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) using a model (4.NF.1)

12 Anticipate Tim, Sarah, and Jane each bought the same candy bar after school. Tim ate 𝟏 𝟐 of his candy bar. Sarah ate 𝟐 𝟒 of her candy bar. Jane ate 𝟒 𝟖 of her candy bar. Who ate the most of their candy bar? How do you know? Justify your reasoning. Individually, anticipate the solution pathways students might take to solve this problem.

13 Anticipate Tim, Sarah, and Jane each bought the same candy bar after school. Tim ate 𝟏 𝟐 of his candy bar. Sarah ate 𝟐 𝟒 of her candy bar. Jane ate 𝟒 𝟖 of her candy bar. Who ate the most of their candy bar? How do you know? Justify your reasoning. Turn to an elbow partner and discuss your anticipated solution pathways. Then discuss as an entire table.

14 Anticipate/Select/Sequence
As a table group, select four possible solution pathways. Work together to sequence the order in which you might share the pathways with your class.

15 Fourth Grade

16 Fourth Grade Tim, Sarah, and Jane each bought the same candy bar after school. Who ate the most of their candy bar? How do you know? Use a model to justify your reasoning. Tim ate 𝟏 𝟐 of his candy bar. Sarah ate 𝟐 𝟒 of her candy bar. Jane ate 𝟒 𝟖 of her candy bar.

17 Selecting/Sequencing Student Work
With your elbow partner, examine the student work provided. Determine how you might sequence the solution paths. Collaborate with your table to come to a consensus regarding the most powerful way to sequence these student examples.

18 Questioning/Connecting
Work with your table group. Create a question you might pose based on the student work on the doc cam. Write the question on your white board.

19 Connecting How might we best connect the thinking shown in the selected pieces of student work? What might be our next step in the lesson to best emphasize our math goal? Math goal: Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) using a model (4.NF.1)

20 Application Continue utilizing the 5 Practices to support mathematical discourse in your classroom. Pay special attention to questioning and connecting. Be prepared to share your experiences at our next meeting.

21 Remember… Standards don’t teach, teachers teach
Processes are as important as content This work is difficult and unlikely to be done alone!

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