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Psychology 1000 Research Requirement

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1 Psychology 1000 Research Requirement
Coordinator: Andrea Slosser

2 1 Credit = 1 Hour Participation/1 Quiz
REQUIREMENTS Complete 6 hours of research credit Options: Study Participation Pretest Survey Quizzes 1 Credit = 1 Hour Participation/1 Quiz

3 WHY RESEARCH? Not busy work
Actual studies that are published and contribute to the field Brings in funding to UW which helps lower tuition fees

4 SONA ACCOUNT Create a personal account In SONA: Smartphone App Online
User ID ( confirmation) Smartphone App Search for “SONA Systems” Available for iOS and Android operating systems In SONA: Search for studies Register for studies Cancel appointments Check credits earned

5 SONA WEBSITE http://www. uwyo
The link to SONA as well as the articles for the quizzes are available on this webpage



8 SONA Some of the studies will ask them to participate in person and some will be online. It'll say what type of study it is when they click on a study's name. The ones you do in person tend to be more interesting but the ones online are really convenient because you can do them from any computer at any time.

SONA manages details reminders, receipts, etc. You must be 17 years or older to participate Andrea if under age 17 Some will require you to be 18+ If you sign up for a study, you must show up or cancel your spot! Please cancel through SONA at least 24 hours in advance Failure to cancel a minimum of 1 hour in advance results in one “strike” “3 strikes and you’re out” No longer able to earn credit through “Study Participation Option”

8:00am Monday, February 5th to 9:00pm Sunday, February 18th Pretest is only available for 2 weeks You will receive ONE credit hour for completing the pretest You will NOT be eligible for MOST studies if you do not complete it during the weeks it is available If you miss the pretest, you may still qualify for a reduced number of studies

11 OPTION 2: QUIZZES Must read the articles ahead of time
Six quizzes offered Andrea prior to quiz date to sign up Based on research articles: Psychology Dept. web page Undergraduate- “Research Participation for Students” link Must read the articles ahead of time Quizzes will not be available after dates listed May be taken early— me

12 QUIZ SCHEDULE Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 pm in Biological Sciences 310 DATE
February 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 me prior to quiz date to sign up; cannot be rescheduled late (can be rescheduled early)

Last day to participate in research: Friday, May 4th, 2018 Participate early! Questions about a specific study should go to the researcher in charge. Contact Andrea Slosser with general SONA questions Office hours: Tuesday 1:00-2:00pm; Thursday 9:00-10:00am (BS 115)

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