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Power Point Lesson for Class--X United Nations By Kirti Chaturvedi.

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1 Power Point Lesson for Class--X United Nations By Kirti Chaturvedi

2 U N I C E F U N D P U N E S C O I L O W H O
Agencies Of U. N. O. U N I C E F U N D P U N E S C O I L O W H O I

3 Purpose of the U N Agencies
“ to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.” The UN is engaged in work that touches every aspect of people’s lives ---alleviation of poverty, education, health, agricultural development, human rights, worker’s rights and protection of environment The UNO has 18 Specialized Agencies and 14 Major Progammes and Funds for social and economic development as well as achieve human welfare.

4 Primary Health Care Basic Education Sanitation Nutrition
Women’s development Community Progamme Sanitation Nutrition

5 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
Established in 1946 Headquarters at New York

6 Functions of UNICEF To assist countries in providing protective food like milk, meat, fish, fats etc. to the children and to train nutritionists. To take care of the women and pregnant mothers. To provide funds for training of health and sanitation workers and crech workers. To undertake Child immunization projects in order to prevent diseases. To provide consultancy service, supply medicine and equipments and to conduct research in the areas of Child development progammes, and also to monitor these. To get clean drinking water in villages; it supplies pumps and pipes to the countries.

7 To support progammes to prevent trafficking in Women and Children, and
to prevent crime by them and against them. To supply paper to publish literature relating to Child. To provide instant help to Children and Women in a natural disaster like earth-quake or outbreak of an epidemic. To prevent exploitation of the Child and to protect him against neglect and abuse.

8 U.N.E.S.C.O Headquarters Paris Established in 1946

9 The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security
in the world by promoting collaboration among nation through Education Science Culture Communication

10 Functions of UNESCO To promote education among children and adults and to work for universal primary education. To give financial assistance for the education of the disabled children, the girl child and women. To give advice and expert assistance in school building construction; preparation of courses of study and text-books. To provide fellowship and study-grants to teachers and to encourage them to do research and higher learning in theories and methods of teaching and learning. To organize book-fairs at national and International level. To develop good libraries with financial help and supply of books and to eradicate illiteracy.

11 To promote research in mathematics, geology, physics, oceanography,
engineering and technology in developing countries. To organize regional and world conferences and bring together scientists, engineers, technologists who have common interests. To provide information to all countries about progress in science through Bulletins, exhibitions and journals. “Courier” is the official magazine of UNSECO. To encourage the study of social sciences with special reference to study of topics like factors causing violence and conflict, violation of human rights, the future of human race, methods of conflict- resolution and tolerance-promotion techniques. To help member-states to preserve their cultural heritage, encourage translation of rare manuscripts, to protect monuments of historic or artistic interest. To encourage cultural exchange, it gives travel-grants to artists and writers.

12 To undertake projects in the field of mass-Communication like Radio,
Television, setting up of News Agencies etc. To encourage countries to buy books from other countries under its scheme of Book-coupons. To promote artistic creation in literature and fine arts. To spread and distribute knowledge about human rights. ,

13 World Health Organization

14 Objective of W.H.O. highest possible level of health.
The attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health. A complete well being. Established on 7th April 1948 7th April is celebrated as World Health Day every year. Headquarters Geneva---Switzerland

15 Functions of WHO To promote and co-ordinate research in the field of Health, to finance research projects in their priority areas, namely communicable diseases, Mother’s and child’s health, mental health. It also encourages research on diseases like cancer, blindness, diabetes and heart attacks or heart ailments. To set International standards for food, water, biological & pharmaceutical products such as drugs, medicines and vaccines. To bring about improvement in standards of nutrition, housing, sanitation, work condition and environmental hygiene. To assist Governments ( on their request ) to provide safe drinking water to nations of the world.

16 To fight diseases throughout the world, to prevent their spread at the
source. It launched progamme to immunise children against six major diseases---Measles, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Tuberculosis Polio and Whooping Cough. To serve as a major source of medical and scientific information, it has built a splendid library on Medical Sciences at Geneva. It also publishes an illustrated magazine to inform people about the state of health programme in the world. It organises Seminars , Conferences and Workshops to train personals in their respective areas of specialisation.

17 Thank You Presented by Mrs. Kirti Chaturvedi

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