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Presentation on theme: "SOLAR ROOFTOP IN GURGAON"— Presentation transcript:

Part Three: ACTION PLAN Centre for Science and Environment New Delhi, India

2 Sequence of Presentation
Implementation Challenges Solar Financing Action Plan

3 Implementation Challenges-Governance Issues
Communication Lapse Most agencies have not even amended their bylaw to ensure compliance Lack of co-ordination among various departments and agencies Monitoring mechanisms to track compliance Setting plausible penalty mechanism for non-compliance

4 Implementation Challenges-Consumer Centric
High upfront cost Perceived Technology Risk Doubts on credibility of rooftop installer Reluctance to use the space Unsuitability of Industrial rooftops space Limited Knowledge Doubts regarding Net-metering

5 Implementation Challenges for Agencies-HAREDA
HREDAs Gurugram Office Limited staff Lack of capacity to engage in strategic activities Identify and target consumers as per the HAREDA mandate Net-metering Coordination Issues with DHBVN

6 Implementation Challenges for Agencies-DHBVNL
Reluctance for SRT promotion/support: Task with no commercial benefits Clear dis-incentive due to resulting migration of high-paying consumers. Missing systems and processes for effective net metering implementation Long time taken for net metering process Inadequate workforce and technical capacity of staff across three junior tiers (SDO/JE, lineman and meter reader). Problems for Withdrawal of penalty to enforce compliance

7 Implementation Challenges for Other Nodal Agencies
Other nodal agencies (Like HSIIDC, T&CP, MCG) Amendment of byelaws as per the HAREDA order Only T&CP and MCG have incorporated clause of additional floor area ratio (FAR) for new buildings with SRT Agencies haven't sent the HAREDA circular to the target groups within its jurisdiction Unclear about the Anchor Point Officers who could deal with the respective issues and compile the progress in their jurisdiction

8 Solar Financing Limited access to low cost finance
To meet 60 MW of HAREDAs target 360 crores is required. RESCOs are best positioned to serve the residential SRT market still low penetration Nearly 84 per cent of India’s estimated SRT capacity of 1.25 GW (as of December 2016) was set up through CAPEX Improvements Required in the following: increase debt availability, capacity of banks Ensure payment security for RESCO by involvement of Discoms To reduce credit risk, repossession of SRT assets in case of default needs to be made simpler and easier through standardized PPAs and enforcement by local specialized fast track courts courts. consistent net metering policies across all states Securitization of SRT Projects

9 What’s happening? Haryana Government's Targets for 4000 MW of Solar
Challenge 1: Order missing strict Reviews and Followup HAREDA issues order for compulsory solar rooftop in commercial, industrial and new residential space Challenge 2: Compilation of Customer Specific Database As per the orders the respective agencies were required to communicate the orders with respective customer segments and change their bylaws within six months Challenge 3: DHBVN-HAREDA Coordination Challenge 4: Techno-Economic Issues for DHBVN DHBVN and HAREDA were required to coordinate and get the required net-metering support Challenge 5: Effective Penalties and Greviances Clause The non-compliant entities were supposed to get penalized by disconnection

10 ACTION PLAN-I Targets and Timelines List of Target Customers
60 MW vs. 800 MW Targets can be increased by 3-4 times Coordination by ADC Office with Key Departments in target achievement List of Target Customers Changes in Departmental Bye Laws Establish Consumer Grievances Redressal Cell Awareness building Program and funds generation (public, CSR etc) and its use in promotion For Residential: Role of Civil Society For Industrial: Engagement of Key organizations like HSIIDC with CII, FICCI, Assocham etc. Role of Solar Developers RESCO Model Promotion Clarity in Incentives and Penalties Awareness Building program

11 ACTION PLAN-II HAREDA More people to pay an effective role in coordinating, monitoring and creating awareness, Monitoring and reporting—an online portal should be created and reports from all agencies as well as consolidated reports can be posted. Awareness about the program by organization of solar mela or camps by the coordination of various stakeholders. Assistance in bid documents contract writing for certain govt offices— police, hospitals, schools etc. DHBVN Smoothening of net-metering process Training of staff especially of engineers/technicians as well as staff involved in approval of net metering

12 SHEKHAR DEEPAK SINGH Centre for Science & Environment deepak
SHEKHAR DEEPAK SINGH Centre for Science & Environment


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