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Model’s core: Personalisation sub-model Model’s core: User sub-model

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1 Model’s core: Personalisation sub-model Model’s core: User sub-model
FCT NOVA – COMPUTER SCIENCE PhD PROGRAM Model-driven Personalisation of the Human-Computer Interaction across Ubiquitous Computing Applications Rui Neves Madeira PhD Student Supervisor: Nuno Correia, UNL My research focuses on ubiquitous personalisation, HCI, contexto-aware and mobile computing, serious games. Vision Model’s core: Personalisation sub-model Platform Model’s core: User sub-model S1 – LEY [developers] S2 – FCT4U [end users] S3 – WeSync [end users] S4 – PhysioMate [end users] S5 – Walker [developers] Studies Cycle Context,, Problem and Statement Research Questions and Approach Prototypes and Studies Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) is a human-centered vision aiming to provide the “right content/ interfaces” in context to its applications’ end- users. However, the process of obtaining and choosing them for each user is still a critical challenge. Research Statement: We propose a model-driven and cloud-based solution to assist in the development of personalised Ubicomp applications in order to provide developers with a set of easy to use and user-friendly guidelines and tools for applying personalisation to a wide spectrum of applications. For end-users, interactions with a system A might be useful to personalise their experience when starting to use a system B. This one already might have a “starting profile” of the users in order to automatically adapt itself to them. RQA Is it possible to build a generic pervasive model to be followed in the personalisation of different applications? RQB How can user modelling and context modelling be integrated into a generic pervasive personalisation model? RQC Is the user interaction with an application useful to personalise her/his experience with another application? RQD Can a cloud-based solution be the solution in the support of the implementation of personalisations across different applications? Solution: X-Users model – pervasive generic personalisation model to guide third-party developers when applying personalisation across different applications in a standardised and consistent way. Context-Aware based Personalisation Environment (CAPE) – modeling framework in which X-Users is inserted alongside with the module of user profiling/reasoning. Cloud-based personalisation Platform for Multimodal Ubiquitous Computing Applications (P2MUCA) – final interface with developers encapsulating CAPE, allowing user interactions control and user preferences consistency across applications. Development of different prototypes: LEY - persuasive pervasive gaming on domestic energy consumption-awareness; FCT4U - when private mobile displays meet public situated displays; WeSync and WePlayTennis - adaptation to TV delays based on the user behaviour; PhysioMate/justPhysioKidding - pervasive physical rehabilitation based on NUI and serious gaming; Walker - mobile app to track people in physical spaces To study the process of applying the model to the prototypes as a proof of concept at the developer side. Two of Several Publications: Building a Platform for Pervasive personalisation in a Ubiquitous Computing World, where the cloud-based platform was presented at Mobiquitous’14. Model-Based Solution for personalisation of the User Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing, which presented the full solution focusing a little more on the model, at IEEE UIC’14. S Where to test? What User Type? What to evaluate? Experts involved? Implemented Application Devs End users X-Users + XUPIL CAPE P2MUCA Context aware User profile across apps 1 LEY X Developers’ applications 2 FCT4U 3 WeSync/ WePlayTennis x 4 PhysioMate/ justPhysioKidding 5 Walker “All prototypes”

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