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Ubiquitous Computing Scott Klemmer 07 October 2004.

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1 Ubiquitous Computing Scott Klemmer 07 October 2004

2 Administrivia Project pairings (with emails) are online
1 page proposals due to by Monday at noon Summary s are great! You are welcome to make these more personal, i.e., “I got a new research idea from this” or “their findings resonated with me because of…” 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

3 Ubiquitous Computing networked
…but to make the world “calmer”, not to connect your faucet to your cell phone 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

4 “for every ant in the world today there are 100 transistors”
- Gordon Moore 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

5 Computing by the inch, foot, & yard
At each scale, the devices have input, computation, and output Different than more recent work (e.g., that of Abowd et al) where these elements are often decoupled 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

6 Rem Koolhaas: S M L XL 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

7 Computing by the inch, foot, & yard
Originally: ParcTabs Today Palm Handhelds Smart Phones model: add computation to the device that is already networked 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

8 Computing by the inch, foot, & yard
ParcPads Today: Tablet Computers 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

9 Computing by the inch, foot, & yard
LiveBoards Today: SMART Boards 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

10 Privacy Dog food / kool aid Danyel Fisher and email
The nurses in east bay express 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

11 Evaluation With embodied virtuality, “tasks” aren’t as discrete, and evaluation (both methods and metrics) is much harder 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

12 Further Reading General Ubicomp Privacy
Bellotti et al, Making Sense of Sensing Systems Tolmie et al, Unremarkable computing (Equator Workshop) Privacy Heinrich et al, Privacy by Design (Ubicomp 01) Dourish & Palen, Unpacking "privacy" for a networked world (CHI 2003) 07 October 2004 Ubicomp

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