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Parliamentary Democracy in Great Britain

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1 Parliamentary Democracy in Great Britain
Form 10 “B” Creator : Vasilchenko SN, English teacher

2 What do you think “DEMOCRACY” mean?
People do what they want. People rule the country. People do what they want within the framework of law. People elect their representatives to rule the country. People say what they think. People can live any place they choose.

3 Express your opinion using the construction
In my opinion, people should… In my opinion, people must… To my mind, people should...

4 Match the Russian equivalents with their English words
a minister a cabinet a department a constitution an opposition policy to coordinate to control Monarch Monarchy монарх контролировать конституция министр кабинет департамент оппозиция координировать монархия политика

5 Match the words from the lists A and B
to appoint to determine to delay to revise to examine to vote to sign to pass to rule B a bill the policy the country a programme a government programme Prime-Minister a new law

6 Modal Verbs Can- Could- Be able to
Use can or be able to. George has travelled a lot. He __speak 4 languages. Tom ____ drive but he hasn’t got a car. I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never ___understand him. I used to____stand on my head but I can’t do it now.

7 Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t, was/were be able to.
He had hurt his leg, so he ___ walk very well. She wasn’t at home when I phoned but I___contact her at her office. I looked very carefully and I___see a figure in the distance. My grandmother loved music. She _____play the piano very well.

8 Homework Exercise 2, page 18 in your activity books. Good Luck!

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