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State Led Initiatives  2012 Every Student READY.

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Presentation on theme: "State Led Initiatives  2012 Every Student READY."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Led Initiatives  2012 Every Student READY

2 The WIDA Consortium 2012

3 The WIDA ELD Standards Summer Institute Training RESA Training
IHE Training WIDA Certified Cadre

4 State Led Initiatives SIOP ExC-ELL LinguaFolio

5 SIOP NC Guide to the SIOP Model Book Studies Follow Up Training
3 Day Face to Face Team approach Book Studies Follow Up Training Coaching Capacity Building

6 ExC-ELL NC Guide to the SIOP Model Book Studies Follow Up Training
3 Day Face to Face Team approach Book Studies Follow Up Training Coaching Capacity Building

7 LinguaFolio On Line Training Modules Continued Training Coaching Capacity Building

8 Where We Are North Carolina Graduation Rates 89,126 graduated 80.2% =
111,101 students that were eligible 111,101 – 89,126 = 21,975 students who could have graduated and didn’t Inspiring progress but miles to go…. Where We Are

9 ELL Support Team Training Coaching Building Capacity

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