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The Case of Coffee.

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1 The Case of Coffee

2 FT & Coffee History Decline of welfare state As flagship FT commodity
Demand for ethical consumption FT As flagship FT commodity Draws attention to FT cause FTUSA and FLO differ MNCs move in Rise of Starbucks

3 Coffee Plantation

4 Coffee Plantation

5 Coffee Plantation

6 Coffee Production Roasters- like Nestlé, Kraft FTOs- like CaféDirect
How does the highly-concentrated coffee roasting industry give MNCs an advantage over producers even in a FT model? WA Q1, Q3 Roasters- like Nestlé, Kraft FTOs- like CaféDirect Retailers- like Starbucks, McDonald’s Your objective Hurdles in your way Ways to try to overcome these hurdles

7 Labeling Problems What problems has labeling caused?
Diff. values caused split FTUSA, FLO Certification standards differ Label clutter LOTS of labels- FT label best Sourcing as new issue FT, ethically-sourced, buy direct, organic Fair-washing Not all Starbucks coffee is FT Result: Dilutes FT meaning

8 Commodity Fetishism Why is it important to understand commodity fetishism as a product of the capitalist market to discuss FT? WA Q2 Undermine CF ↑ in FT purchases ↑ Awareness Challenges conventional capitalist practices Combat effects of race to the bottom

9 Commodity Fetishism (cont.)
Reinforce CF Buy FT for approval Halo effect Peer approval FT often unexplained Setting Fair price Still involves buying (more) stuff Political action via consumerism Economic activism v. political activism

10 Recap Coffee as key FT product Producers at whim of market prices
FT pays livable, constant wages Shorter supply chain MNCs benefit most in NEM Use FT, labeling for profit Manipulate rules, dilute standards Commodity fetishism perpetuates NEM How to use market against itself

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