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Access Quiz.

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1 Access Quiz

2 Query 1: What is the total for each order? List OrderID and Order Total.
Summing for distinguished column of number column. Distinguished column: OrderID Number column: calculated field: [quantity]*[price] Need group by Sum for calculated field

3 Query 2: Selecting subset of rows based on value of one field
Use Group By Use where in field which is used for selection. Enter condition under criteria.

4 Query 3: Selecting subset of rows based on value of one field and existence of relationship Use Group By Use where in field which is used for selection. Enter condition under criteria.

5 Query 4 Select subset of rows based on a reference field and a property of count of a field C choose reference field use group by select Count for C field express property in Criteria

6 Query 5 Query 1 composed twice
Additional pattern: LastName not unique. Use ID to disambiguate but don’t show it. Let’s call this the Disambiguation Pattern.

7 Query 6 Averaging of distinguished number field
Choose number field to be averaged Group By Choose Avg In this case distinguished number field is calculated by another query!

8 Query 7 Select subset of rows based on reference field and property of calculated field. The property itself involves a query. choose reference field and calculated field Group by use where in calculated field express property under criteria

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