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Southern Cross University

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1 Southern Cross University

2 Southern Cross University
QPEN Members Southern Cross University

3 Southern Cross University
Capturing Student Voice for Success in an Enabling Program – Preparing for Success Program (the PSP) Dr Suzi Hellmundt, Preparing for Success Program Southern Cross University Southern Cross University

4 What do you like about studying in the PSP?
“Challenging myself and getting my brain working again! “The realisation I can actually do this with the tools I have been given …” Southern Cross University

5 The Preparing for Success at SCU Program
enrolments 3 x per year a fee-free, 12-week course offered part-time or full-time comprises four units (subjects) offered on campus and online Southern Cross University

6 The Preparing for Success at SCU Program
Students: need to be 18 years old have Year 10 or equivalent The program has won a National OLT citation, 2014 the Vice Chancellor’s award for excellence, 2014 Southern Cross University

7 Southern Cross University
Our focus The literature often focuses on barriers and challenges for students in enabling programs (Hodges et al., 2013; Lisciandro & Gibbs, 2016) Our focus was on student voice and strategies for success Southern Cross University

8 Southern Cross University
Our study Research question: How might student knowledge and experience inform the development of strategies for encouraging student engagement in enabling programs? 443 enrolled students: in the core unit Managing your Study Mixed method: questionnaire, survey, focus groups Emerging themes following grounded theory approach Themes came out of the data from the students Southern Cross University

9 Qualitative data collection
When Method Respondents Response rate Orientation Open-ended questionnaire 215  97% Weeks 3-5 Online survey, mixed method 152 40% Weeks 9-12 Focus groups 15 internals, 15 externals volunteers Southern Cross University

10 Key findings Questionnaire at Orientation
Key themes Past students’ talks are motivating “Having ex PSP students really motivated me - I can’t wait to start! “ Southern Cross University

11 Key findings Questionnaire at Orientation
Key themes Being physically shown through MySCU with activity boosts confidence and thus engagement with learning and course “The info made me feel a lot more confident and at ease” Southern Cross University

12 Key findings Questionnaire at Orientation
Key themes Meeting fellow students facilitates sense of belonging and encourages early commitment - retention “Talking to people curbed my nerves” Southern Cross University

13 Findings from Online Survey
Key themes Tutor approachability increases confidence “I like being in the classroom and having my thinking challenged” “The tutors were there and answered my questions without making me feel stupid.” Southern Cross University

14 Findings from Online Survey
Key themes Discussion Board and Online Tutorials create space for learning and connection “Networking with other students” “Face-to-Face feeling but still be in PJs” Southern Cross University

15 Southern Cross University
Focus groups Key themes Interaction with peers enhances sense of belonging, deepens understandings & broadens perspectives “Group activities that encourage students to exchange ideas and get to know each other” Southern Cross University

16 Focus groups Key themes
Student-focused approach to teaching and learning builds a sense of ‘can do’ and independent learning “Learning about myself” Southern Cross University

17 Southern Cross University
Focus groups Key themes Breaking down tasks and modelling with examples helped with their understanding of task and how to complete it “It was great to have things demonstrated with clear examples and then practical exercises that the tutor did first”. Southern Cross University

18 Southern Cross University
And out of the data … All of this data from the students was analysed Four key themes were identified Out of these four themes came our model … Southern Cross University

19 A student focused framework from the student responses
G. E. M. S. Southern Cross University

20 Southern Cross University
The G.E.M.S. framework: G – Guidance E – Encouragement M – Modelling S – Structure G. E. M. S. Southern Cross University

21 The first GEM: G – Guidance
Student responses indicated that Guidance meant: Accessible tutors Scaffolding of key concepts Group activities where students help each other Southern Cross University

22 The second GEM: E – Encouragement
Student responses indicated that Encouragement meant: Positive and inspiring tutors Students sharing their experience Encouraging and informative feedback Early assignments to see how they are going Southern Cross University

23 Enriched Feedback Process – see
Coming from student responses Southern Cross University

24 The third GEM: M – Modelling
Student responses indicated that Modelling meant: Shared expectations on discussion board and in class Modelled responses in how to do tasks Examplars of past student work Southern Cross University

25 The fourth GEM: S – Structure
Student responses indicated that Structure meant: Easy navigation of online tools and resources Assignments clearly aligned with learning outcomes and weekly tasks Course clearly structured and interconnected Southern Cross University

26 Building a multifaceted gem …
“It’s not a question of if I am going to uni, it’s about how well will I do” stated Amelia, one 28 year old woman Southern Cross University

27 How does G.E.M.S. resonate with you and your programs?
Any questions? Thank you  Southern Cross University

28 Southern Cross University
Quotes “I like the idea of helping each other, proof reading each other’s work” Southern Cross University

29 Southern Cross University
Quotes “the difference between knowing the concepts and definitions and being able to identify them in practice” Southern Cross University

30 Southern Cross University
Quotes “It’s good preparation for uni, e.g. essay writing, learnt how to avoid procrastination, self- awareness” Southern Cross University

31 Southern Cross University
Quotes “Gaining confidence by approaching challenges made unfrightening” Southern Cross University

32 Southern Cross University
Quotes “I’m not so intimidated about going to uni, lost the stigma about going to uni” Southern Cross University

33 Southern Cross University
Quotes “…the introduction to university. It has made me confident that I can succeed” Southern Cross University

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