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Web Systems Development (CSC-215)

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Presentation on theme: "Web Systems Development (CSC-215)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Systems Development (CSC-215)
Lecture 5: PHP Arrays Wednesday 14th February 2018

2 Class Test 1 Monday 19th February
Lab based – bring laptops or have desktop ready Lectures 1-6 Duration: 30 minutes

3 Adding Items to an Array

4 Adding Items to an Array

5 Retrieval

6 Associative Arrays

7 Example Useful for inserting/extracting information into/from HTML and XML

8 Assignment (using array keyword)
(more organized way)

9 foreach … as loop for arrays

10 For each with associative arrays

11 To modify, use as reference

12 Alternative, list & each function

13 Arrays Multidimensional

14 Direct Access

15 Multidimensional, Indexed

16 Array functions

17 Array Functions: is_array

18 Array Functions: count (counts number of elements)
For multi-dimensional 0 – only top level 1 – count all elements

19 Array Functions: sort (lowest to highest)
Sorts in place, returns TRUE or FALSE depending on success

20 Variations on sort

21 Array Functions: shuffle
In place, returns TRUE or FALSE

22 Array Functions: explode

23 Array Functions: explode

24 Array Functions: extract
Turns key/value pairs from an array into PHP variables For example, processing $_GET or $_POST variables A query string parameter q for example will get placed into a variable named $q

25 Avoid Overwriting $q becomes $fromget_q


27 Array Functions: compact (inverse of extract)

28 Array Functions: reset
Internal pointer in foreach

29 Array Functions: end Internal pointer in foreach

30 Lab Activity Imagine you are writing a version of the computer game Minesweeper. Use arrays to create and store a minefield on a 20 x 20 grid. Place ten mines randomly on the grid, then display the grid, using asterisks (* ) for the mines and dots (.) for the empty squares. (Hint: To return a random number between 0 and 19 inclusive, use rand( 0, 19 ) .) Your array should be populated using a nested loop (do not hard code like the chess example) Your script should display a new random configuration every time it is reloaded

31 Lab Activity Sample Output

32 Lecture content adapted from chapter 6 of Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5, 3rd Edition, by Robin Nixon.

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