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The Early Industrial Revolution!

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1 The Early Industrial Revolution!
19.4 The Early Industrial Revolution!

2 The Early Industrial Revolution
1.Who were the Luddites? They were a group who were upset over advances in technology because it threatened their jobs. 2. What does section 19.4 say about farming? What did this change in farming do for human societies? Improvements in farming made it easier to produce more food and that meant that certain people, didn’t have to farm.

3 Factories 3.What were some of the first factories making, and how did these factories help the owners making these goods. The first factories in England, made textiles( clothing) in these factories could make things faster.

4 Transportation 4. How were steam engines used in England during the Industrial Revolution? They were first used for mining, but they were most useful in trains.

5 New Advantages 5.What allowed the United States to industrialize more easily than other nations, such as France? The Americans used to be a British colony and the similarities in their cultures helped the Americans to adapt more easily. 6.What is the advantage of interchangeable parts? With interchangeable parts, new parts can be easily replaced.

6 Interchangeable Parts
6.What is the advantage of interchangeable parts? With interchangeable parts, new parts can be easily replaced.

7 The Transformation 7.What is Morse code and how did it benefits the United States and the world? Morse code was a new kind of communication that used dots and dashes. Because of this code, people could communicate with each other over greater distances.

8 Effects of Industrialization
8. What change did industrialization cause in cities, and what was it like to work in factories at the time? More people move to the cities and they grew. It was very hard to work in the factories, especially for women and children.

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