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11/22/11 BR – Besides water, why were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers important to the lands of Mesopotamia Today: Finish the Graphic Organizer Hand in.

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Presentation on theme: "11/22/11 BR – Besides water, why were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers important to the lands of Mesopotamia Today: Finish the Graphic Organizer Hand in."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/22/11 BR – Besides water, why were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers important to the lands of Mesopotamia Today: Finish the Graphic Organizer Hand in work from last week! (including extra credit)

2 Fertile Crescent = Mesopotamia (“land between the two rivers”) Not a country!



5 As You Read: Do Graphic Organizer – Summary Statement Tomorrow!
You may do the Terms and Names for Extra Credit (3 points per term!)

6 1. The land of Mesopotamia
Fertile crescent – “Land Between The Two Rivers” - Mesopotamia 2. Environmental Challenges 3. 1. 2. 3

7 Homework: - Due Monday, November 28
Finish Graphic Organizer Finish Summary Statements Complete Summary Statements “Analyzing Primary Sources” Questions 1-2 “Main Ideas” #4 Critical Thinking and Writing #7 You may also define the terms for extra credit! (21 Points)

8 Summary Statement#1 Civilization began to prosper in the city states of Mesopotamia. The Geography of the Fertile crescent helped this prosperity because______. There were also environmental challenges like______. Over time the people of ____ dealt with these challenges. The ______ created city states like ____, ____, and _____. In these cities, ___ and ___ shared control. Over time the cities ____ and the culture and technology they invented spread by the process of _________.

9 Summary Statement #2 Sumeria culture had many aspects. First,___________. Second, _________. Finally, ___________.

10 Summary Statement #3 Sumeria saw the first Empire builders. First came _______. Next, came the _______ empire which reached its peak under ____. ______ was famous for the _____- which was a system of laws_____. This system of laws was good because_______.

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