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London Sightseeing tour.

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1 London Sightseeing tour

2 Hello ladies and gentlemen. We welcome you to London. It is one of the largest cities in the world. London is more than two thousand years old. You will see all interesting places of London from our red double-decker.

3 The Queen of Great Britain- Elizabeth II

4 Buckingham Palace

5 Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guard. It happens every day at a.m.

6 Westminster Abbey It is a royal church

7 Westminster Abbey The funeral service for Diana, Princess of Wales
took place in Westminster Abbey in September 1997

8 From the Tower Bridge, over the river Thames you can see the Tower of London

9 The Tower of London The Tower of London is a museum now.
There are a lot of interesting collections in it.

10 The ravens are another famous sight
The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

11 The Houses of Parliament Big Ben
The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. Big Ben is the biggest clock in the world.

12 St.Paul's Cathedral It is the greatest work of the architect
Sir Christopher Wren

13 Trafalgar Square On the column in the centre there is a statue
of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

14 1.Big Ben is Test 2.The Queen lives in -a palace - a bell
- The Tower of London - Buckingham Palace - a bell - Windsor Palace -a square

15 3.The Bloody 4. The Queen’s Tower is in name is - Diana
-the Tower of London - Elizabeth - The Houses of Parliament -Westminster Abbey - Catherine

16 6.The Tower of London is …now
5.The country’s leaders speak in -a museum -the Houses of Parliament -a prison - Big Ben -a royal palace -Buckingham Palace

17 7.The architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral is -Daniel Defoe
- Christopher Wren - Mark Twain

18 The Flag and the coat of arms of Great Britain. Great Britain

19 Put in the missing letters, please. T—er. t—rist bri—e. m-n-ment bl—dy
Put in the missing letters, please. T—er t—rist bri—e m-n-ment bl—dy g—de g-l-ery pal—e well- -no-n le--nd слайд4

20 Make up words. f,m,i,o,r,n,a,i,t,o,n k,e,e,e,w,n,d m,s,u,m,e,u
r,i,f,o,a,v,u,t,e s,a,m,o,u,f d,i,l,b,u,i,g,n слайд6

21 Listen to the explanations and match the words and the definitions.
Building City Tourist Guide Capital Gallery 1.The main city in the country 2.Something like a house having walls and a roof 3.a very large busy town 4.A person who takes people round places such as cities and museums 5.A person travelling for pleasure 6.A place where people can see paintings and sculptures

22 Well done! Well done!

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