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How and why to end a relationship

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Presentation on theme: "How and why to end a relationship"— Presentation transcript:

1 How and why to end a relationship
I understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in relationships and can explain why. HWB 4-44a I understand and can explain the importance of, and need for, commitment, trust and respect in loving and sexual relationships. I understand the different contexts of such relationships including marriage. HWB 4-44c I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively. HWB 4-45a I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult. HWB 4-46c I reflect on how my attitudes, beliefs, values and morality can influence my decisions about friendships, relationships and sexual behaviour. HWB 4-46a

2 Relationship Rights

3 Relationship Spectrum

4 What is domestic abuse and gender violence?
Domestic abuse is where one person harms another person with whom they have (or have had) some sort of relationship. They might live in the same house or not. They can be gay/lesbian and heterosexual (straight). Both women and men can experience domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can involve physical violence, or it may be another form of abuse such as emotional, sexual or financial abuse. Domestic abuse is a particular type of abuse, but there are also many other different types including harassment and stalking, rape and sexual assault, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, honour-based abuse and trafficking. All such abuse is also known as gender violence. If you ever experience domestic abuse or any kind of gender violence, or you know someone who is, ask for help. ChildLine is a great source of confidential help for young people your age:

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