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Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in EU external aid programs Evaluations and their contracting 21/11/2013 Martin Pav, European Commission Directorate-General.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in EU external aid programs Evaluations and their contracting 21/11/2013 Martin Pav, European Commission Directorate-General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in EU external aid programs Evaluations and their contracting 21/11/ Martin Pav, European Commission Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation EuropeAid 1

2 Evaluations ….. Cooperation with third countries ("partner countries")
Evaluation of programmes, projects Strategic evaluations

3 Types / Methodology Type Methodology Country / region Thematic
Budget support Joint evaluations Methodology

4 Methodology

5 Methodology

6 Methodology Required experts' profile or expertise

7 Experts EVA 2011 4 Lots, 3 Framework contractors per lot

8 21 evaluations are currently on-going
Geographic Asia Regional Bolivia Burundi (joint) Cameroon Democratic Republic of Congo Haiti Jordan Kenya Central America Regional Madagascar Timor Leste Pacific Regional Occupied Palestinian Territory Togo Yemen Thematic Environment / Climate Change Gender Modalities / Budget Support Morocco Budget Support (joint) Mozambique Budget Support (joint) South Africa Budget Support Tanzania Budget Support (joint) Evaluation to be published this semester

9 How do we contract ? DG DEVCO: Large majority via Framework contracts
Strategic evaluations: FWC EVA 2011 – 4 lots Programmes / projects FWC COM 2011: FWC BENEF 2009/replaced by BENEF 2013 in December 2013:

10 Framework contracts FWC COM 2011, Lot 1 – Studies and technical assistance in all sectors BENEF 2009: sectors Lot 1: Rural development Lot 2: Transport and Infrastructures Lot 3: Telecommunications and information technologies Lot 4: Energy and nuclear safety Lot 5: Conferences Lot 6: Environment Lot 7: Governance and Home Affairs Lot 8: Health Lot 9: Culture, Education, Employment and Social Lot 10: Trade, Standards and Private sector Lot 11: Macro economy, Statistics, Public finance management Lot 12: Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Management and Post-Crisis assistance

11 Framework contracts Lot 1 – Rural Development
1. Agricultural primary production, included horticulture 2. Forestry 3. Land management (land reform, land use planning and farm restructuring) 4. Rural infrastructure incl. irrigation and drainage 5. Equipment definition (agriculture equipment, laboratories…) 6. Crop protection and disease control 7. Animal production and health 8. Agricultural production and marketing groups (inclusive co-operatives) 9. Food safety (safe for consumption) 10. Food security

12 Framework contracts Lot 1 – Transport and Infrastructures
1. Roads / engineering structures 2. Railways 3. Harbours / Inland water infrastructures 4. Airports / Air Traffic 5. Inter-modal infrastructures 6. Transport safety 7. Buildings (for education, healthcare, administrative and industrial use) 8. Water supply / sanitation networks 9. Solid waste disposal / treatment installations 10. Engineering / construction conflicts/disputes resolution

13 Experts BENEF 2009 & COM 2011

14 Framework contracts FWC COM 2011, lot 1 (pt. 2.4: Selected consortia)

15 Framework contracts FWC BENEF 2009 : Point 2.4

16 Děkuji vám a mnoho úspěchů
Thank you and good luck Merci et bonne chance

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