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NDIS & Community Inclusion

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1 NDIS & Community Inclusion
MAV Human Services Directors Forum Steve Maillet Community Linkages, NDIA October 2016

2 The NDIS helps you: Maintain your informal support arrangements The help you get from your family and friends. Access community services and supports The activities and services available to everyone in your community, such as sports clubs, community groups, libraries or charities. Receive reasonable and necessary funded supports The NDIS can pay for supports that are reasonable and necessary for you. This means they are related to your disability and are required for you to live an ordinary life and achieve your goals. Access mainstream services and supports The services available for all Australians that you receive from people like doctors or teachers through the health and education systems. Why do we need the NDIS? People with disability have the same right as other Australians to determine their best interests and to have choice and control over their lives. The NDIS recognises that everyone’s needs and goals are different. The NDIS provides people with individualised support and the flexibility to manage their supports to help them achieve their goals and enjoy an ordinary life. The NDIS replaces a disability system that was unfair and inefficient with a new, national system that is world-leading, equitable and sustainable. This provides certainty and consistency for people with disability, their families and carers. Australians will now have peace of mind that if their child or loved one is born with or acquires a significant disability that is likely to be with them for life they will get the support they need, when they need it. What is the NDIS? The NDIS is a new way of providing disability support that takes a lifetime approach. Can I access the NDIS? You can access the NDIS depending on your age, residency and disability. My first plan Your first plan is the start of a lifelong relationship with the NDIS. Starting my plan You can choose the providers you want. Your existing provider may need to continue to deliver some supports initially. Reviewing my plan We review your plan with you every 12 months to make sure you’re getting the support you need.

3 The NDIS is built on three pillars:
Insurance approach Choice & control Community & mainstream Steve

4 Partnership Approach Steve

5 Local Area Coordination
Partners will work in communities to: Assist people with an NDIS plan to connect to the community and put their plan into action Provide short-term help to people with disability who do not have an NDIS plan to connect to supports and the community Work with the community to make it more inclusive Steve


7 Information, Linkages & Capacity Building (ILC)
ILC is all about connections. We want to create connections in two ways: Capacity Building - Making sure people with disability have the skills, confidence and information they need to get involved in the community Community Inclusion - Building the capacity of the community to include people with disability Kirsten

8 The ILC Policy outlines five activities for ILC:
Information, linkages & referrals Capacity building of mainstream services Community awareness & capacity building Individual capacity building Local Area Coordination Kirsten

9 ILC Commissioning Framework
The draft outlines the role of ILC, the outcomes expected & priority focus areas The Framework will be released shortly Program Guidelines to follow Kirsten

10 Greater social and economic participation
What do we want to see? Greater social and economic participation Increased capacity of the community to be inclusive “Closing the gap” to an ordinary life Reduction in need for specialised support Kirsten

11 Forecast increase in demand
In Victoria Forecast increase in demand There will be over 27,000 participants, meaning the disability supports market is estimated to grow from 78,000 people in 2016 to 105,000 in 2019. Market size ($value) There will be more funding and the level of annual expenditure is estimated to grow from $2.6 billion to $5.1 billion in 2020.

12 In Victoria (continued)
Forecast increase in demand + $2.5b in supports, and + 14,850 – 18,100 FTE jobs is the estimated growth in supply required across Victoria to meet full scheme demand. Growth in workforce at full scheme More jobs: The workforce required to service this demand is estimated to grow from 19,550 – 23,900 to 34,400 – 42,000 FTE in 2019.


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