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Engaging NMO community in science – the GAINS model case

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1 Engaging NMO community in science – the GAINS model case
Markus Amann Program Director Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases Program IIASA Institutional Review, May 8-9, 2017

2 GAINS is shaping policy design since 30 years – Three criteria for successful science-policy assessments Relevance: Recognition of physical and economic linkages, identifying and maximizing co-benefits for multiple stakeholders Legitimacy: An impartial, reviewed, quantitative scientific knowledge base Credibility: Participatory approach, involving stakeholders and local science community

3 Three stages Science diplomacy – Acid rain in Europe – IIASA as East-West broker IIASA built international science network to support negotiations, with linkages to national policies; IIASA alumni are critical National tools in NL, SE+FI+N, RU, UKR, PL; collaborative projects, appreciated by national decision makers, but NMOs only partially involved After 1990: from science diplomacy to science-policy and participatory stakeholder interaction – balancing measures across sectors (in the EU and countries) Capacity building in Asia Collaborative projects in Asia since 1992, with and without NMO involvement China: GAINS now adopted by MEP as own policy tool India: NMO-supported cooperative project with NEERI Agenda-setting in developing countries World Bank adopted and promotes GAINS as policy analysis tool in China, India, S. Africa (IIASA PhD program), Vietnam (project with NMO), Egypt Planned regional project on haze in South-East Asia; requested by NMOs Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam +

4 Some lessons GAINS’ success only possible because of IIASA’s nature:
International, independent, science-based, trans/interdisciplinary, long-term commitments But is it valued by NMOs? Partially, depending on where an NMO is sitting in the spectrum from science to policy Efforts required for policy interactions are often not appreciated by conventional scientific criteria Beyond IIASA’s focus on global/long-term issues, new NMOs appreciate innovative tools/methods for solving universal problems that are immediately relevant for countries

5 Thank you!

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