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Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization EE5342, Lecture 6-Spring 2010 Professor Ronald L. Carter L6 February 03
Project 1A – Diode parameters to use
L6 February 03
Tasks Using PSpice or any simulator, plot the i-v curve for this diode, assuming Rth = 0, for several temperatures in the range 300 K < TEMP = TAMB < 304 K. Using this data, determine what the i-v plot would be for Rth = 500 K/W. Using this data, determine the maximum operating temperature for which the diode conductance is within 1% of the Rth = 0 value at 300 K. Do the same for a 10% tolerance. Propose a SPICE macro which would give the Rth = 500 K/W i-v relationship. L6 February 03
Example L6 February 03
Induced E-field in the D.R.
Ex p-contact N-contact O - O + p-type CNR n-type chg neutral reg O - O + O - O + Exposed Acceptor Ions Depletion region (DR) Exposed Donor ions W x -xpc -xp xn xnc L6 February 03
Depletion approx. charge distribution
+Qn’=qNdxn +qNd [Coul/cm2] -xp x -xpc xn xnc -qNa Charge neutrality => Qp’ + Qn’ = 0, => Naxp = Ndxn Qp’=-qNaxp [Coul/cm2] L6 February 03
1-dim soln. of Gauss’ law Ex -xpc -xp xn xnc x -Emax L6 February 03
Depletion Approxi- mation (Summary)
For the step junction defined by doping Na (p-type) for x < 0 and Nd, (n-type) for x > 0, the depletion width W = {2e(Vbi-Va)/qNeff}1/2, where Vbi = Vt ln{NaNd/ni2}, and Neff=NaNd/(Na+Nd). Since Naxp=Ndxn, xn = W/(1 + Nd/Na), and xp = W/(1 + Na/Nd). L6 February 03
One-sided p+n or n+p jctns
If p+n, then Na >> Nd, and NaNd/(Na + Nd) = Neff --> Nd, and W --> xn, DR is all on lightly d. side If n+p, then Nd >> Na, and NaNd/(Na + Nd) = Neff --> Na, and W --> xp, DR is all on lightly d. side The net effect is that Neff --> N-, (- = lightly doped side) and W --> x- L6 February 03
Charge neutrality => Qp’ + Qn’ = 0, => Naxp = Ndxn
Junction C (cont.) r +Qn’=qNdxn +qNd dQn’=qNddxn -xp x -xpc xn xnc -qNa Charge neutrality => Qp’ + Qn’ = 0, => Naxp = Ndxn dQp’=-qNadxp Qp’=-qNaxp L6 February 03
Junction C (cont.) The C-V relationship simplifies to L6 February 03
Junction C (cont.) If one plots [C’j]-2 vs. Va Slope = -[(C’j0)2Vbi]-1 vertical axis intercept = [C’j0]-2 horizontal axis intercept = Vbi C’j-2 C’j0-2 Va Vbi L6 February 03
Arbitrary doping profile
If the net donor conc, N = N(x), then at xn, the extra charge put into the DR when Va->Va+dVa is dQ’=-qN(xn)dxn The increase in field, dEx =-(qN/e)dxn, by Gauss’ Law (at xn, but also const). So dVa=-(xn+xp)dEx= (W/e) dQ’ Further, since N(xn)dxn = N(xp)dxp gives, the dC/dxn as ... L6 February 03
Arbitrary doping profile (cont.)
L6 February 03
Arbitrary doping profile (cont.)
L6 February 03
Arbitrary doping profile (cont.)
L6 February 03
Arbitrary doping profile (cont.)
L6 February 03
n x xn Nd Debye length The DA assumes n changes from Nd to 0 discontinuously at xn, likewise, p changes from Na to 0 discontinuously at -xp. In the region of xn, the 1-dim Poisson equation is dEx/dx = q(Nd - n), and since Ex = -df/dx, the potential is the solution to -d2f/dx2 = q(Nd - n)/e L6 February 03
Debye length (cont) Since the level EFi is a reference for equil, we set f = Vt ln(n/ni) In the region of xn, n = ni exp(f/Vt), so d2f/dx2 = -q(Nd - ni ef/Vt), let f = fo + f’, where fo = Vt ln(Nd/ni) so Nd - ni ef/Vt = Nd[1 - ef/Vt-fo/Vt], for f - fo = f’ << fo, the DE becomes d2f’/dx2 = (q2Nd/ekT)f’, f’ << fo L6 February 03
Debye length (cont) So f’ = f’(xn) exp[+(x-xn)/LD]+con. and n = Nd ef’/Vt, x ~ xn, where LD is the “Debye length” L6 February 03
13% < d < 28% => DA is OK
Debye length (cont) LD estimates the transition length of a step-junction DR (concentrations Na and Nd with Neff = NaNd/(Na +Nd)). Thus, For Va=0, & 1E13 < Na,Nd < 1E19 cm-3 13% < d < 28% => DA is OK L6 February 03
Example An assymetrical p+ n junction has a lightly doped concentration of 1E16 and with p+ = 1E18. What is W(V=0)? Vbi=0.816 V, Neff=9.9E15, W=0.33mm What is C’j? = 31.9 nFd/cm2 What is LD? = 0.04 mm L6 February 03
Ideal Junction Theory Assumptions Ex = 0 in the chg neutral reg. (CNR)
MB statistics are applicable Neglect gen/rec in depl reg (DR) Low level injections apply so that dnp < ppo for -xpc < x < -xp, and dpn < nno for xn < x < xnc Steady State conditions L6 February 03
Forward Bias Energy Bands
Ev Ec EFi xn xnc -xpc -xp q(Vbi-Va) EFP EFN qVa x Imref, EFn Imref, EFp L6 February 03
Law of the junction (follow the min. carr.)
L6 February 03
Law of the junction (cont.)
L6 February 03
Law of the junction (cont.)
L6 February 03
Injection Conditions L6 February 03
Apply the Continuity Eqn in CNR
Ideal Junction Theory (cont.) Apply the Continuity Eqn in CNR L6 February 03
Ideal Junction Theory (cont.)
L6 February 03
Ideal Junction Theory (cont.)
L6 February 03
Excess minority carrier distr fctn
L6 February 03
Carrier Injection ln(carrier conc) ln Na ln Nd ln ni ~Va/Vt ~Va/Vt
ln ni2/Nd ln ni2/Na x -xpc -xp xnc xn L6 February 03
Minority carrier currents
L6 February 03
Evaluating the diode current
L6 February 03
Special cases for the diode current
L6 February 03
Ideal diode equation Assumptions: Current dens, Jx = Js expd(Va/Vt)
low-level injection Maxwell Boltzman statistics Depletion approximation Neglect gen/rec effects in DR Steady-state solution only Current dens, Jx = Js expd(Va/Vt) where expd(x) = [exp(x) -1] L6 February 03
Ideal diode equation (cont.)
Js = Js,p + Js,n = hole curr + ele curr Js,p = qni2Dp coth(Wn/Lp)/(NdLp) = qni2Dp/(NdWn), Wn << Lp, “short” = qni2Dp/(NdLp), Wn >> Lp, “long” Js,n = qni2Dn coth(Wp/Ln)/(NaLn) = qni2Dn/(NaWp), Wp << Ln, “short” = qni2Dn/(NaLn), Wp >> Ln, “long” Js,n << Js,p when Na >> Nd L6 February 03
Diffnt’l, one-sided diode conductance
Static (steady-state) diode I-V characteristic IQ Va VQ L6 February 03
Diffnt’l, one-sided diode cond. (cont.)
L6 February 03
Charge distr in a (1- sided) short diode
dpn Assume Nd << Na The sinh (see L12) excess minority carrier distribution becomes linear for Wn << Lp dpn(xn)=pn0expd(Va/Vt) Total chg = Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 Wn = xnc- xn dpn(xn) Q’p x xn xnc L6 February 03
Charge distr in a 1- sided short diode
dpn Assume Quasi-static charge distributions Q’p = Q’p = qdpn(xn)Wn/2 ddpn(xn) = (W/2)* {dpn(xn,Va+dV) - dpn(xn,Va)} dpn(xn,Va+dV) dpn(xn,Va) dQ’p Q’p x xn xnc L6 February 03
Cap. of a (1-sided) short diode (cont.)
L6 February 03
General time- constant
L6 February 03
General time- constant (cont.)
L6 February 03
General time- constant (cont.)
L6 February 03
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