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Focus on Reports Session 16

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1 Focus on Reports Session 16
To print: Right click Choose “Print” Change option “Print What?” from “slides” to “note pages” Click ok Note: This report should be scheduled to run during off-peak hours. GL_Cash Balance Summary by Org Note: This report should be scheduled to run during off-peak hours.

2 Available in Discoverer
Shows: A one-line summarized cash balance for all revenue projects owned by a specified organization, department, or MBU Cash deficit conditions highlighted in red An overall cash balance position at the department organization level The GL.Cash Balance Summary by Org report is a Discoverer report available in the ODS. The report shows a one-line summarized cash balance for all revenue projects owned by a specified organization, department, or MBU and highlights any deficit conditions. A grand total at the end of the report provides an overall cash balance position at the organization level.

3 Purpose of the Report A tool for departmental use in overall cash management of operational and non-operational funds. Aid for prioritizing reconciliations by showing projects current month activity Cash deficits are highlighted to point out where immediate action is needed Corresponding endowment market value and short term pool investment balances provide related cash management information. The purpose of the Cash Balance Summary by Org report is to provide a tool for departments to use in overall cash management of operational and non-operational funds. by providing the ability to see: Aid for prioritizing reconciliations by showing projects current month activity Cash deficits are highlighted to point out where immediate action is needed Corresponding endowment market value and short term pool investment balances provide related cash management information.

4 Revenue Project’s GL Activity Expenditure Project GA Activity
REMEMBER Net of: Revenue Project’s GL Activity and Expenditure Project GA Activity = Cash Balance Budget - Expenses = Budget Balance Funds comes into the University through a variety of sources. Each of these funds have limitations and restrictions placed on their use either by the external source of the funds or by the University itself. In order to demonstrate compliance, the University uses a concept called a ‘revenue project’. A revenue project is created to identify a specific individual source of funds. Cash received from a source is deposited and booked in GL to a designated revenue project. Revenue project managers grant ‘authority to spend’ their revenue project funds by creating an installment on awards that have been assigned to the revenue project (via a DFF when the award is created). Award mangers grant ‘authority to spend’ all or a portion of their award installments by ‘funding’ projects . Projects that are funded from an award installment are known as ‘expenditure projects’. Award/project budgets are created at this level. When funds are spent a PTAEO is entered on expenditure transaction. The P in the PTAEO is the expending project, and the A is the award. The associated revenue project is the one identified on the award. Note: The cash balance summary report nets a revenue project’s GL transactions with all expenditure project GA transactions for all PTAEOs where the project is funded by an award assigned to the revenue project. It shows funds deposited less expenses. It does not take budget into consideration, that is shown in the Budget Balance Available reports.

5 Department Cash Management
(applies to only certain sources of funds) Source of Fund Cash Balance Award BBA G Managed centrally Yes SG/LG LC SR EI/DI/FI SP/LP EU/ER DU/DR FA/IP/YY SA/LA LS/SS There is a difference between cash management and budget management. Cash management at the department level applies to only certain sources of funds, whereas budget management at the department level applies to all sources of funds. If you are a Revenue Project Manager (project manager of a revenue project), you have cash management responsibilities. Hint: To find a complete list of all revenue projects that you are the revenue project manager for, run the GL_Revenue Project Relationships report, “Revenue Project Manager” tab. If you are named as the “Award Manager” on an award, you have budget management responsibilities. Hint: To find a complete list of all awards for which you are the award manager, run the FM_Award Common Attributes report and pull the “Award Manager” column up to the page items. Central offices have cash management responsibility for awards that begin with the letters G, SG, LG, LC, SR, EI, DI, FI, SP, and LP. Schools and departments have: Budget management responsibility for all awards except LP and SP Cash management responsibility for those awards that begin with EU, ER, DU, DR, FA, IP, YY, SA, LA, LS, and SS

6 Operational Represents funds expendable for carrying out the primary purpose of the University: instruction, research, and public service. They are normally used for annual operating expenses. Operational funds are typically managed by schools and departments. Non Operational Represents the University’s long term assets and agency funds which are not usually used to support annual operating expenses. Non-Operational funds and balances are typically managed by Central Offices. The report contains 2 tabs: Operational and Non-Operational. Note: The segregation is based on the GL fund source segment with values 3000 through 8999 representing non-operational activity and with values 1000 through 2999 representing operational activity. Operational represents funds expendable for carrying out the primary purpose of the University: instruction, research, and public service. They are normally used for annual operating expenses. Examples include: State Appropriations and Tuition, Gifts from private donors, Sales and service income, Auxiliary revenue and cost recoveries, Endowment and Quasi-endowment income, and Intellectual Property royalties, licenses, etc. Operational funds are typically managed by schools and departments, thus the total of this section is the cash balance that schools and departments should monitor. Non-Operational represents the University’s long term assets and agency funds which are not usually used to support annual operating expenses. Examples include: Endowment & similar funds (principal), Annuity & Life Income funds (principal), Plant funds (Capital Projects), and Agency funds (e.g. HSF). Non-Operational funds and balances are typically managed by Central Offices. Note: If a revenue project does not have activity in one of the two fund types, only the fund type with activity will appear on the report. 2 Tabs

7 Flexible Parameters A. Select period for which to show balances
Select a Revenue Project owning org, or enter partial with %, or enter % Enter a specific revenue project number or enter % Next B. Select a MBU or enter % Select a Department or enter % Default to prior period (Y) if you intend to schedule the report and have it automatically default to the prior period. (N is the default value.) Both tabs of the Discoverer report allow flexibility in running the report by providing a number of selection options and parameters. Select period for which to show balances (it can be run for any period including the GL adjusting periods) Select a Revenue Project owning org, or enter partial with %, or enter % Enter a specific revenue project number or enter % (click next to continue) Select a MBU or enter % Select a Department or enter % Default to prior period (Y) if you intend to schedule the report and have it automatically default to the prior period, otherwise leave ‘N’. Click Finish NOTE: You need only specify either a single revenue project, or MBU, or Department, the other two parameters should contain the ‘%’ wild card character. Similarly, if you select a single revenue project all three MBU, Department, and Org parameters should contain the ‘%’ wild card character. Finish

8 A negative cash total is good
MB-Dept 1 MB-Budget Unit 12345 MB-Org 1 MB-Project A MB-Project B MB-Project C MB-Project D 12345% MB-Project E MB-Project F MB-Project G A negative cash total is good A positive asset balance is good Related asset values MB-Project H MB-Project I MB-Project J MB-Project K MB-Project L MB-Project M MB-Project N MB-Project O MB-Project P The Operational tab shows: A one line revenue project Operating Cash Balance before and after commitments is shown along with the current MTD, Fiscal YTD, and commitment activity. Revenue projects are listed by type of fund. Negative values in operating cash totals is good, positive values mean there is a deficit. Deficits in operating cash before and after commitments are highlighted. Endowment Market Value column provides information about the current market position in both quasi and true endowments accounts, while the Short Term Investment Pool column shows funds invested in the short term pool. These are assets and positive asset balances are good. Note: This report shows cash balances not budget available for spending. Do not assume that cash balances shown on this report are available to be spent. Use the project and award BBA reports to monitor budget balance available for spending.

9 A negative cash total is good
12345% MB-Budget Unit MB-Dept 1 12345 MB-Org 1 MB-Project A MB-Project B MB-Project C MB-Project D MB-Project E MB-Project F MB-Project G A negative cash total is good The Non-Operational tab shows: A one line revenue project Operating Cash Balance before and after commitments is shown along with the current MTD, Fiscal YTD, and commitment activity. Revenue projects are listed by type of fund. Negative values in operating cash totals is good, positive values mean there is a deficit. Deficits in operating cash before and after commitments are highlighted. Note: This report shows cash balances not budget available for spending. Do not assume that cash balances shown on this report are available to be spent. Use the project and award BBA reports to monitor budget balance available for spending.

10 Questions Questions? Suggestions? Concerns?

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