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Create GFEBS Automated Spend Plan

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1 Create GFEBS Automated Spend Plan

2 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Create GFEBS Automated Spend Plans Conditions: You are a Budget Analyst with access to a computer, the GFEBS training database, applicable GFEBS references, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: With at least 80% Accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Define and Develop a Spend Plan Identify Lines of Effort and Funding within Spend Plan Create GFEBS Spend Plan vs Actuals Report Convert Old Spend Plan to New GFEBS Spend Plan Template Create and Modify GFEBS vs Actuals Spend Plan Report (PE) Modify Characteristics to Customize a Report

3 Terminology and Acronyms
LOE - Line of Effort CO – Campaign Objective MO – Major Objective LOCOMO – Combination of LOE, CO, MO SOF- Status of Funds SP- Spend Plan CRA- Continuing Resolution Authority HQ- Headquarters UFR- Unfunded Request CDR- Commander COP- Common Operating Picture MDMP- Military Decision Making Process PBAC- Program Budget Activity Committee RM- Resource Manager FMZ’s Funds commitment documents LOA – Line of Accounting WBS- Work Breakdown Structure IO- Internal Order BI- Business Intelligence SP Bal- Spend Plan Balance GRC- Governance Risk and Compliance

4 Financial Resource Realities
Never enough Restrictions attached to public funds cannot exceed ceilings, limitations, targets, etc. shift funds without prior approval use appropriation for other than stated purpose Declaration of Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) Requirements Funding

5 What is a Spend Plan Budget?
A formal, written, detailed financial plan required for home station training, planned activities and mission readiness identified for the entire organization to accomplish its mission during a defined time period.

6 Why Do We Plan? Additional value of planning
Planning anticipates requirements needed for mission support What you are going to do? How are you going to do it? How well you did it? Additional value of planning Provides a baseline against which one can measure changes that occur in the course of operations.

7 Planning (Cont.) HQ’s use spend plans to determine timing & amount of funding allotment to disburse Consideration must include type of funding type (Purpose, Time and Amount) To account for month by month fiscal year funds required to fund a mission

8 Routine Application of a Spend Plan Goals with price tags
Plan for budget year(s) Ensure efficiency to evaluating planned work with actual execution data

9 Critical Spend Plan Essentials
Civilian pay and entitlements Mission required contracts must pays Equipment and Supplies Other requirements

10 Spend Plan Required Information
Organization / Unit Requirement Description Period of Performance Estimated Amount Month Required Funding Type Cost Collector

11 Spend Plan Influences Congressional mandates spending to be at 80% NLT 31 July Continuing Resolution Authority may cause issues during the 1st Quarter Training events Residual costs Interest and Penalties (Late Bills) Minor construction Cost Benefit Analysis

12 Unfunded Requirements (UFR)
List List of unfunded requirements due Prioritized UFR list - supported by impact statement for each UFR

13 Decrement List List of funded requirements which will be eliminated if the activity’s funding is reduced Prioritized from least important to most important Usually a percentage total dollar guidance

14 LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1: Congress mandates that each Federal organization must be obligated by ________ % by 31 July each year. A1: Q2: A key consideration when formulating a spend plan is _________, _________, and ________. A2: Q1: _____ _____focuses on the efficient and effective use of all resources used by each organization. A1: Q2: Anticipated Primary Costs are Planned on what 3 objects: A2:

15 LSA #1 Summary

16 Secretary of the Army Directive
RMs have to be dedicated to ensure the Commander’s priorities are accurately reflected in the Command’s Budget. Effective 1 July 2016, Commanders and leaders at every level will: Establish and track annual performance measures at the two star HQ and above Fiscal success should not include budget execution data and obligation rates as primary measures Manage total costs of critical processes Eliminate "use or lose" funding practice Reward organizations who demonstrate stewardship and innovative ideas

17 LOE 3. Unified Land Operations
Secretary of the Army Directive Line of Effort Status (G3/5/7) CDR’s Information GFEBS Statistical Internal Orders (G8) LOE 1-IO LOE 1. Set the Theater The Line of Effort status is fed into the process from the G3/5/7 and the cost of each LOECOMO is fed in by the G8. This information is then developed into a COP dashboard and presented to the Commander to make informed decisions CO 1.1 Forces (G3) CO 1.2 Footprint (ENG) CO 1.3 Material (G4) CO 1.1- IO CO 1.2- IO CO 1.3- IO LOE 2-IO LOE 2. Shape CO 2.1 CASA (G37) CO 2.2 AP (G37) CO 2.3 Levant (G37) CO 2.1 CASA- IO CO 2.2 AP- IO CO 2.3 Levant- IO LOE 3. Unified Land Operations LOE 3-IO CO 3.1 Joint Land Operation (G33) CO 3.2 RLPN (G5) CO 3.1 JLO- IO CO 3.2 RLPN- IO LOE 4-IO LOE 4. Enhance the Force CO 4.1 Capabilities, Enhancement, Modernize (G34) CO 4.2 Training and Education (G34) CO 4.3 Health, Welfare, and Safety (G34) CO 4.1 CEM- IO CO 4.2 Training/Education- IO CO 4.3 Health, Welfare/Safety- IO

18 Lines of Effort and Associated Funding
Commanders and managers must align funding and priorities Commanders and managers need information to make informed decisions about funding and priorities to improve efficiency and management of funding Cost is a value proposition that allows commanders to alignment of limited funding with a desired end state It not only allows commanders to understand the extent of financial resources but also the value received from the resources Cost management information allows the commander to synchronize the Campaign Plan to funding which is tied directly to mission accomplishment

19 Key Stakeholders DRM Office (G8 and S8) - must play a vital role with the entire staff to ensure all spend plan funding is properly aligned to the correct LOCOMO Operations (G3/5/7, and S3) - assigned to training events and requirements to specific LOCOMO DOL (G4, S4) – supplies are key to all operations costs must be aligned properly to the correct LOCOMO NEC (G6, or S6) - communications and connectivity is vital to each mission therefore must be tied to the appropriate LOCOMO OPRs for all LOEs, COs, and Mos - must coordinate with the RM and Operations personnel to ensure the correct LOCOMO is used

20 Required End-Product Top Line report displays summary information regarding each LOE Level I report displays COs that roll up to LOE 1 Level II report displays MOs that roll up to an individual CO Top Line Report LOE 1 6 Million LOE 2 9 Million LOE 3 10 Million Total 25 Million Level 1 Report LOE 1 CO 1.1 4 Million CO 1.2 2 Million Total 6 Million Alternate reporting Level II Report CO 1.1 MO 1.1.1 0 Million MO 1.1.2 1 Million MO 1.1.3 3 Million Total 4 Million G1 Staff Unit MO 1.1.1 0 Million MO 1.2.1 5 Million MO 2.6.1 3 Million Total 8 Million

21 Cost Objects and Cost Collectors
Organizational Entries Program / Project Special Event / Initiative Real Property / Equipment Cost Collectors Cost Centers Project / WBS Internal Orders Assets / Real Estate Objects Examples Installation Brigade School Directorate Lab Acquisition RDTE MILCON Project System Test SSP BRAC Training Event Mandatory Training Building Training Range Weapons System Cost Can Be Assigned Directly or Indirectly Customer / Product Brigade Weapon System Tenant Command GFEBS uses various cost objects depending on the function being supported. Cost collectors are used to track and capture the costs associated with executing transactions for specific functions.

22 LOE-CO-MO Strategy Map Example
Set the Theater (G4) Shape (G3) Unified Land Operations (G3) Enhance the Force (G3) CO 1.1 Forces (G3) IO CO 1.2 Footprint (ENG) IO CO 1.3 Materiel (G4) IO CO 2.1 CASA (G37) IO CO 2.2 AP (G37) IO CO 2.3 Levant (G37) IO CO 3.1 JLO (G33) IO CO 3.2 RLPN (G5) IO CO 4.1 Capabilities, Enhancement, Modernize (G34) IO CO 4.2 Training and Education (G34) IO CO 4.3 Health, Welfare, Safety (G34) IO MO 1.1.1 Mission Command (G6) IO MO 1.2.1 CASA (ENG) IO MO 1.3.1 APS (G4) IO MO 2.1.1 Mil-Mil Relationships (G37) IO MO 2.2.1 IO MO 2.3.1 IO MO 3.1.1 Joint Coordination (G33) IO MO 3.2.1 CLOC (G35) IO MO 4.1.1 Cyber (G34) IO MO 4.2.1 Intelligence Training Initiatives (G2) IO MO 4.3.1 SHARP (G1) IO MO 1.1.2 Intelligence (G2) IO MO 1.2.2 AP (ENG) IO MO 1.3.2 Contingency Activity Set (G4) IO MO 2.1.2 Exercises (G37) IO MO 2.2.2 IO MO 2.3.2 IO MO 3.1.2 Mission Command (G35) IO MO 3.2.2 C-IED (G36) IO MO 4.1.2 Patriot Readiness (G39) IO MO 4.2.2 Lessons Learned (G37) IO MO 4.3.2 EBOS (G34) IO MO 1.1.3 Fires (G34) IO MO 1.2.3 Levant (ENG) IO MO 1.3.3 TPE (G4) IO MO 2.1.3 Warfighting (G37) IO MO 2.2.3 IO MO 2.3.3 IO MO 3.1.3 OFS (G5) IO MO 3.2.3 LCCoP (G5) IO MO 4.1.3 Targeting (G34) IO MO 1.1.4 Movement and Maneuver (G33) IO MO 1.3.4 Retrograde (G4) IO MO 2.1.4 Border Security (G37) IO MO 2.3.4 IO MO 3.1.4 OIR (G5) IO MO 3.2.4 P-TAC (G35) IO

23 Internal Orders as Statistical Cost Object
Statistical internal orders will not generate an actual posting Used to capture LOCOMO separate from the cost object Easier to manage changes that occur to actual LOCOMO Easier to change the LOCOMOs associated with the execution document

24 Execution Documents Execution (obligation) documents are used to post the actual line of accounting along with the Internal Order that contains defines the major objective: Funds commitment documents (FMZs) Purchase orders

25 Funds Commitment Document (FMZ)
The WBS or cost center associated with the LOA is entered as the cost collector. The statistical internal order associated with the LOCOMO is entered into the Order field in addition to the line of accounting.

26 Purchase Orders The WBS or cost center associated with the LOA is entered or adopted from the purchase requisition. The statistical internal order associated with the LOE is entered or adopted into the Order field on the Account Assignment tab.

27 Staff Impacts G8 Staff/Resource Managers:
Provide LOCOMO/internal order crosswalk document to requirement owners Apply internal order (with LOCOMO values) to obligation documents associated with the requirement when appropriate Monitor internal orders as needed based on changes to LOCOMOs Contact O&S to add new or change internal orders with LOCOMOs as needed Provide training support packages to requirement owners Must be involved during the MDMP cycle to ensure funding is aligned properly

28 Staff Impacts (Cont.) Staff Sections/Units/Directorates:
Select appropriate internal order based on LOCOMO Submit the appropriate LOCOMO/internal order to Resource Manager (header text of PR or ) Business Process: Organizations must adopt standardized business processes to achieve maximum effectiveness Requires development of training support packages to document and train users on new processes

29 LOE 3. Unified Land Operations
Staff Impacts (Cont.) Line of Effort Status (G3/5/7) CDR’s Information GFEBS Statistical Internal Orders (G8) LOE 1. Set the Theater The Line of Effort status is fed into the process from the G3/5/7 and the cost of each LOECOMO is fed in by the G8. This information is then developed into a COP dashboard and presented to the Commander to make informed decisions LOE 1-IO CO 1.1 Forces (G3) CO 1.2 Footprint (ENG) CO 1.3 Material (G4) CO 1.1- IO CO 1.2- IO CO 1.3- IO LOE 2-IO LOE 2. Shape CO 2.1 CASA (G37) CO 2.2 AP (G37) CO 2.3 Levant (G37) CO 2.1 CASA- IO CO 2.2 AP- IO CO 2.3 Levant- IO LOE 3-IO LOE 3. Unified Land Operations CO 3.1 Joint Land Operation (G33) CO 3.2 RLPN (G5) CO 3.1 JLO- IO CO 3.2 RLPN- IO LOE 4-IO LOE 4. Enhance the Force CO 4.1 Capabilities, Enhancement, Modernize (G34) CO 4.2 Training and Education (G34) CO 4.3 Health, Welfare, and Safety (G34) CO 4.1 CEM- IO CO 4.2 Training/Education- IO CO 4.3 Health, Welfare/Safety- IO

30 LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: As per the Lines of Effort, Commanders and Managers must align _______ and _______ A1: Q2: T/F: The Operations Cell (G3/5/7, and S3) is considered a “Key Stakeholder in the whole scheme of Operations A2: Q1: As per the Lines of Effort, commanders and managers must align _______ and _______ A1: Q2: T/F: The Operations Cell (G3/5/7, and S3) is considered a “Key Stakeholder in the whole scheme of Operations A2:

31 LSA #2 Summary

32 BI: Status of Funds (SOF) by LOE
Currently, LOCOMOs are only reported on statistical internal orders and generate metrics Column headings in BI report are based on the actual fields on the internal orders LOCOMOs derived from the internal order Report is exported for customization and generation of Command metrics

33 Exported Version of SOF by Internal Statistical Orders
Exporting allows units to adapt column headings, filter information and produce metrics

34 Sample Top Line Report: LOE Totals
6 Million LOE 2 9 Million LOE 3 10 Million Total 25 Million To generate the Top Line and other reports, the exported file is filtered and formatted.

35 Sample Level I Report: CO to LOE Rollup
Level 1 Report LOE 1 CO 1.1 4 Million CO 1.2 2 Million Total 6 Million

36 Mock Spend Plan vs Actuals Report with LOCOMOs
Detailed reporting enables the Commander and/or manager to leverage and reallocate resources to support mission critical efforts. Below, Spend Plan Balances (SP Bal) could be made available to another staff section or project (WBS). Funds Center Fund Center Name Command Defined Field (LOE) Attribute 3 Campaign Objective Attribute 4 Major Objective Cost Center (Staff Section) Cost Center/Staff Section or WBS Name Oct 2016 – SP Amt. Oblig. (Cum) SP Bal A8ABB HQs-1st TSC LOE 1 CO 1.1 MO 1.1.1 BN COMMAND GROUP 300,000.00 2,000.00 298,000.00 CO 1.2 MO 1.2.3 20,542.05 0.00 LOE 3 CO 3.3 MO 3.3.3 COMMAND GROUP 20,000.00 1,957.40 18,042.60 52,500.00 40,000.00 12,500.00 A8ABD HQs-MCP LOE 4 CO 4.1 MO 4.1.1 S Iron Hawk FTX/Friendship 60,000.00 57,521.70 2,478.30 S Eastern Action 16 IPC (Base) 15,857.04 284,142.96 S Lucky Warrior 14 30,000.00 29,000.00 1,000.00 Note: Remedy request submitted for a new version of the Spend Plan vs Actuals report that includes statistical cost objects. This mock report does not reflect current testing.

37 Mock Filtered Spend Plan Report for Staff Section
In this example, the report is filtered to display the spend plan vs actual obligations that were executed for several Major Objectives by the BN Command Group. Note: This is a mockup of the previous report that demonstrates filtering. Funds Center Fund Center Name Command Defined Field (LOE) Attribute 3 Campaign Objective Attribute 4 Major Objective Cost Center (Staff Section) or WBS Cost Center/Staff Section or WBS Name Oct SP Amt. Oct Oblig. (Cum) Oct SP Bal A8ABB HQs-1st TSC LOE 1 CO 1.1 MO 1.1.1 BN COMMAND GROUP 300,000.00 2,000.00 298,000.00 CO 1.2 MO 1.2.3 20,542.05 0.00 LOE 3 CO 3.3 MO 3.3.3 52,500.00 40,000.00 12,500.00 Results 373,042.05 62,542.05 310,500.00 Note: LOCOMOs are tied to the obligation not to the spend plan LOAs.

38 Cost vs. Commander’s Desired End State
Similar metrics can be generated to align with those currently used by all organizations Spend Plan vs. Actuals for Specific Project Related LOEs Note: This chart is a mock up based on the Spend Plan vs Actuals report.

39 Cost Planning with Automated Spend Plan in GFEBS
Spend Plans can be used by the Army to capture anticipated funding requirements for mission critical costs on a monthly funding cycle. Developed for the fiscal year to capture expected spending for each month. GFEBS automation enable users to: Generate a report that compares the spend plan to actual spending Distribute the spend plan budget Create user defined versions of spend plans Creates Lines of Accounting (LOAs) for spend plan distribution

40 Developing Automated GFEBS Spend Plan and Reports
Fund, Fund Center, Functional Area, Cost Collector, Commitment Item Group, Fiscal Period, and Spend Plan Amounts Budget Officer Parent Fund Center START Create Spend Plan Template Distribute Template To Fund Centers, Staff Sections and Units to Capture Requirements Merge Requirements From All Organizations Create Upload File with Spend Plan Amounts Upload Spend Plan Data to Spend Plan Versions Add Missing LOAs to Spend Plan Using Online Tools Review and Edit Spend Plan Amounts Using Online Tools END Analyze Spend Plan Data Create/Monitor Spend Plan vs Actuals Report Budget Analyst at Fund Centers, Staff Sections, And Units Capture Requirements using Template

41 Spend Plan vs. Actuals Report
Analyze planned spending actual obligations executed throughout the FY The report is based on obligations that are executed using Cost Collectors (i.e. WBS Elements, Cost Centers and Internal Orders Generated as needed

42 Spend Plan Distributor Role
Generates, analyzes and exports the Spend Plan v/s Actuals report for the appropriate fund centers as needed. GRC Coordinator creates request for role access Spend Plan vs. Actual report. Once added Spend Plan Distributor link will be displayed Role IDs Description Classes Required EPS_BI_BI_SPD_DISTRIBUTOR_0000 Spend Plan Distributor GFEBS 101, 201,303

43 Spend Plan Requirements Template
Save time, minimize the information to be entered efficiently capture requirements Follow business rules to expedite uploading process Reviewing the article, Developing a Good Spend Plan is Not an Art by MAJ Mary Johnson and Maria Webley, will give insight to why it is important to use a spend plan and the importance of understanding the process full circle.

44 Required Spend Plan Template Data
Budget Cycle- Enter the PB(president’s Budget) and fiscal year of execution Main Account- Enter the four digit main account for the appropriation Fund Center- Enter the fund center used by the unit for budget execution to track and manage budget values Ex: A8AAG Fund- Section of the Army organizational hierarchy responsible for receiving, distributing and managing funds Ex: D16 Funded Program- Enter the funded program that will be used to control spending and the consumption of funds Ex: Cost Center, WBS or I/O Cost Collector Type- The three common types of cost collectors are: C - Cost Center, O - Internal Orders, and W -WBS Elements BUDGET CYCLE MAIN ACCOUNT FUNDS CENTER FUND FUNDED PROGRAM COST COLLECTOR PB2016 2020 A8AAG 202011D16 S W

45 Commitment Item Group Table

46 Commitment Item Group Table (Old vs New)

47 Required Spend Plan Template Data
Cost Collector- Enter the cost center, internal order number or WBS element that will be used on funding documents when the obligation is created. Ex: S Functional Area- Select the full functional area that will be used to capture, control and distribute the execution of funds. Ex: VFOS Source System- There are only two systems that serve as funding sources for spend plans. Enter GFEBS or GCSSARMY. Budget Cycle Year- Spend plan budget year Ex: 2016 Planning Period- The month within the fiscal year the funding is expected to be consumed Ex: Jan - 4 Amounts- Capture the estimated dollars for funding the requirement Ex: Commitment Item Group- Commitment items define the use of executed funds Ex: 5 – Supplies Requirement- The requirement describes the type and use of the obligation that will be tracked within the spend plan COST COLLECTOR FUNCTIONAL AREA SOURCE SYSTEM BUDGET CYCLE YEAR PLANNING PERIOD AMOUNT COMMITMENT ITEM GROUP REQUIREMENT S 135197VOFS GFEBS 2016 4 5 GPC PURCHASES

48 Requirement vs Description

49 Planning Periods and Planning Months Table

50 Cost vs Amount

51 Special Instructions Specify a single spend plan requirement
Do not enter values into the rows highlighted in orange, Example only S-4s or Unit Reps must identify all requirements Unit requirements for FY by month/period Non-cumulative actual dollar amount (including cents) Do not change the format of the template; Adding rows is acceptable

52 LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1: These are used to track and capture the costs associated with executing transactions for specific functions. A1: Q2: T/F Statistical internal orders will generate an actual posting A2: Q3: The role associated with the Automated Spend Plan Role is ___ ___ ___ A3: Q1: These are used to track and capture the costs associated with executing transactions for specific functions. A1: Q2: T/F Statistical internal orders will generate an actual posting A2: Q3: The role associated with the Automated Spend Plan Role is ___ ___ ___ A3:

53 LSA #3 Summary

54 Convert Old Spend Plan to New GFEBS Spend Plan Template
A Step-by-Step Process 54

55 Upload Template into GFEBS

56 Upload Template into GFEBS

57 Upload Template into GFEBS
(Cont.) Show Slide # 57: Upload Template into GFEBS (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Under Detailed Navigation, Click the ‘SP Distribution upload tool.’

58 4. Click to browse for the Spend Plan file for upload
Upload Template into GFEBS (Cont.) 4. Click to browse for the Spend Plan file for upload

59 5. Find the correct file for upload and select.
Upload Template into GFEBS (Cont.) 5. Find the correct file for upload and select.

60 6. File must be in .CSV format
Upload Template into GFEBS (Cont.) 6. File must be in .CSV format

61 7. Click once the correct file and format is chosen
Upload Template into GFEBS (Cont.) 7. Click once the correct file and format is chosen 8. The file will either upload or you will get a reject notification of what is incorrect with the file

62 LSA #4 Check on Learning Q1: When uploading template, the file must be in _____ format. A1: Q2: T/F You MUST be working in ‘Business Intelligence (BI)’ in order for the upload to take place. A2: Q1: When uploading template, the file must be in _____ format. A1: Q2: T/F You MUST be working in ‘Business Intelligence (BI)’ in order for the upload to take place. A2:

63 LSA #4 Summary

64 Create and Modify GFEBS vs Actuals Spend Plan Report
A Step-by-Step Process 64

65 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report
1. Bring up Business Intelligence screen in GFEBS

66 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.)
2. Click to scroll to the right and select the tab to see the list of Spend Plan functions displayed on the left side of the screen

67 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.)
3. Click to open the Variable Entry screen

68 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.)
4. Current Selection Entry: This area is used to enter required and optional variables to generate the report.

69 - Current Selection Example
Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.) - Current Selection Example

70 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.)
5. Click to validate the inputs - Data Check Click OK to access the SPEND Plan vs Actuals Report

71 Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.)
6. Click in the upper right corner of Detailed Navigation pane to minimize the report list. This expands the report screen and enables the user to view more information in the report - Report View

72 - Spend Plan Search Function
Create / Modify Spend Plan Report (Cont.) - Spend Plan Search Function

73 Display Spending Plan vs Actuals Report Example

74 - Funds Center Hierarchy Summary
Display Spending Plan vs Actuals Report (Cont.) - Funds Center Hierarchy Summary

75 Display Spending Plan vs Actuals Report (Cont.)
7. Click or to expand or collapse the Funds Center Hierarchies when they are displayed.

76 Display Column Types SP Amt – Current amount distributed
Oblig (Cum) – Amount of the distribution that has been consumed by purchase orders or other obligation documents such as an FMZ SP Bal – Amount of the distribution that is available for consumption Continue to scroll to the right to review the information for all the fiscal periods.

77 Spending Plan vs Actuals Report (Cont.)
- Scroll Functions 8. Click or at the top or the bottom of the columns, to scroll forward and backward through the pages within the report.

78 LSA #5 Check on Learning Block 1
1. How much is the distribution from ABO? $ 2. What is the total obligations against the $990K? 3. What is the balance of the distribution available to spend? Block 2 4. What is the distribution from HQ (A8A)? 5. How much are the obligations against the $890K? 6. What is the balance of the distribution available to spend? Block 3 7. What is the distribution from Mission (A8AAA)? 8. How much are the obligations against the $60K? 9. What is the balance of the distribution available to spend?

79 LSA #5 Summary

80 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report
Shorten a characteristic name by right clicking on the column, then select from the list of options.

81 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Confirm or click from the Properties of Characteristic window. Use the scroll bar to select a Display characteristic from the list.

82 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Click to return to the report. The funds centers are now displayed below with just the key (Funds Center) and the descriptions are shorter. The preceding compounded “ARMY/” portion of the key is not displayed.

83 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Remove a characteristic

84 Spend Plan vs Actuals Report (Cont.)
Add a characteristic: Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report

85 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Funded program example

86 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Click the link on the Action Bar to review or edit filters for the report. Scroll down to the bottom of the filters list and click to retrieve the General Variables screen.

87 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Change the desired variables or add optional variables to the Current Selection Click to validate the entries, then click to display the revised report

88 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Close the filter list, by scrolling down to the bottom of the list clicking

89 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Exporting the Report Click on the Action Bar

90 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Click and select Save As when prompted Select a location, for example, Desktop and enter a File Name.

91 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Exporting the Report (Cont.) Click to review the saved file when the download has completed Click to the message asking whether to open the file.

92 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Review the report, adjust the columns and filter the Excel report as needed

93 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Save and Retrieve a Report Click from the Action Bar.

94 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Confirm the Save Variable Values box is checked

95 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Save a Report in Favorites Enter a name for the report into the Description field Click to save the report into the Favorites tab.

96 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Overwrite an Existing Report Click the report name to highlight the report in the Description list

97 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Overwrite an Existing Report (Cont.) Click when the report name is displayed in the Description Click to confirm the report should be overwritten when the Save Bookmark window appears

98 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Save a Report in the BEx Portfolio Click from the Action Bar Confirm the Save Variable Values box is checked Click to access the BEx Portfolio tab Click to highlight and open the desired folder

99 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
- Save a Report in the BEx Portfolio (Cont.) Open sub folders within the BEx Portfolio, if applicable Enter a name in the Description Click to save the report

100 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Retrieve a Saved Version of the Report While Displaying an Existing Report Click on the Action Bar. This method can only be performed from an existing report Click the report and then click to retrieve the report

101 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Retrieve a Saved Version of the Report While Displaying an Existing Report (Cont.) Click from the GFEBS application screen Click the link for BI Favorites

102 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Retrieve a Saved Version of the Report While Displaying an Existing Report (Cont.) Click the desired report from the Favorites list to display the results

103 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Spending Plan V. Actuals Report Example

104 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Share a Saved Report Click the BI Favorites link Click the report name to retrieve the report Click to access the functions within the Options Icon located in the upper, right corner of the GFEBS screen

105 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Share a Saved Report (Cont.) Select Open in a New Window from the list of options to open the report in a new internet explorer window.

106 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Share a Saved Report (Cont.) The long URL link for the report will be displayed in the internet browser Copy and paste the URL link into your and send

107 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Share a Saved Report (Cont.) Receiver copies the URL link for the report from the body of the Log into GFEBS Click to access the functions within the Options Icon located in the upper, right corner of the GFEBS screen Select Open in a New Window from the list of options to open the report in a new internet explorer window

108 Modify Characteristics to Customize the Report (Cont.)
Share a Saved Report (Cont.) Copy and paste the URL link into the new internet browser window The saved version of the report will be displayed

109 LSA # 6 Check on Learning Q1: T/F To add a characteristic to a report, HOLD the mouse on the free characteristic (e.g. Funded Program) and move it in front of the desired column. A1: Q2: In general, the _____ tab is the default used to save a report in BI. A2: Q3: When the Save Variable Values box is checked, This option ensures; a. current variables are retained within the saved version of the report b. current customizations are retained within the saved version of the report. c. Both a and b. A3: Q1: T/F To add a characteristic to a report, HOLD the mouse on the free characteristic (e.g. Funded Program) and move it in front of the desired column. A1: Q2: In general, the _____ tab is the default used to save a report in BI. A2: Q3: When the Save Variable Values box is checked, This option ensures; a. current variables are retained within the saved version of the report b. current customizations are retained within the saved version of the report. c. Both a and b. A3:

110 LSA #6 Summary

111 Practical Exercise Create and Modify GFEBS vs Actuals Spend Plan Report 111

112 Questions?

113 TLO Summary Action: Create GFEBS Automated Spend Plans
Conditions: You are a Budget Analyst with access to a computer, the GFEBS training database, applicable GFEBS references, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: With at least 80% Accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Define and Develop a Spend Plan Identify Lines of Effort and Funding within Spend Plan Create GFEBS Spend Plan vs Actuals Report Convert Old Spend Plan to New GFEBS Spend Plan Template Create and Modify GFEBS vs Actuals Spend Plan Report (PE) Modify Characteristics to Customize a Report

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