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Creating futures.

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1 creating futures

2 Acting Vice-Chancellor
Presentation Wednesday 14 September 2017 Dr Chris Nhlapo Acting Vice-Chancellor

3 Employment Equity Employment Equity constitutes an interplay between a number of partners and stakeholders including the EE Unit, Training and Development, Recruitment and Selection/ Talent Management and line Managers. One of the objectives of the recruitment policy is to promote a diverse workforce that is in compliance with the Employment Equity Act and other related statutes. All positions are advertised externally and/or internally and internal applicants for support posts may be given preference if the post represents a promotion. equity targets are the final consideration if there two appointable candidates. Senior internal posts may only be granted if the candidate meets the essential requirement and the unit’s employment equity criteria

4 Concessions on appointment of Critical/Scarce Skills positions
In a case of critical/scarce skills positions, the institution can consider concessions in order to be able to attract candidates Such concessions include: Waiving the equity requirements on critical/scarce skills positions (posts that are difficult to fill) in cases where the required equity candidates cannot be attracted/sourced. Subject to approval, the hiring managers can be allowed to proceed with interviewing candidates that are not contributing to the institution’s equity but meeting or exceeding the required qualifications and experience

5 2013 - 2017 CPUT Residences Statistics (For Parliament Engagement September 13th)
CPUT currently accommodates 9000 (25% of total population) students out of the student population in its 33 owned and leased residences. Applications per Campus

6 Residence Ownership



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