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What To Look For in Your First Job

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1 What To Look For in Your First Job
Benefits of a Rotational Training Program Hello and thank you for welcoming me into your classroom. I’m Kellie Scopel from the Handleman Company and I’d like to talk to you today about the types of things to look for in your first job. One great option is a rotational training program and I’ll explain the benefits of participating in such a program. Presented by: Handleman Company Handleman Company December 1, 2018

2 Who is Handleman? Largest distributor of music in the world
Customers include Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Kmart, Shopko, Pamida, Circuit City Major customer of Sony/BMG, UMVD, WEA, and EMI Sell 1 out of every 10 pieces of U.S. music Sales continue to grow and exceed $1.2 Billion Ever-changing industry – Tommy Lee and Artist to Market Distribution But first, let me tell you a little bit about Handleman before we go into the benefits of a rotational program. We are the largest distributor of music in the world and we are headquartered in Troy, Michigan. Among our other U.S. locations, we have Automated distribution centers in Indianapolis, IN, Richmond, Virginia and sales offices in Los Angeles and Baltimore. Our current U.S. customers include Wal-Mart, Kmart, Best Buy, Circuuit City, Shopko and Pamida. We supply these customers with not only the CD’s to fill their music departments, but also with the physical labor of a Sales Rep to service their music departments. We buy our product from the 4 major music manufacturers… Just to give you an idea of how much music our customer’s sell, Handleman sells 1 out of every 10 pieces of music in the U.S. and we have sales that exceed 1.2billion dollars. Let me ask you all a question, how many of you know Tommy Lee, or watched the show this summer, “tommy Lee goes to college?” Well, Handleman was the first in the music industry to start a new business model that simplistiacally eliminated the need for a record label. With Tommy Lee we acted not only as the distributor, but also as the manufacturer of Tommy’s CD. This model eliminates the middle man and affords both the artist and Handleman higher revenues. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

3 CD given to vendor to arrange sale End consumer purchases CD
What do we really do? Vendor Retailer Artist records CD CD given to vendor to arrange sale Handleman negotiates sale from vendor, forecasts demand and coordinates promotions CD placed in retail store by Handleman End consumer purchases CD Handleman Company December 1, 2018

4 A Great First Job: The Benefits of a Rotational Training Program
Exposure to all areas of the company. Focus on training and development. Multi-tasking and variety of projects. Exposure to various management styles. A stepping stone to an exciting career. More time to figure out what you REALLY want to do! Now that you have a better idea of where I come from; I’d like to talk to you about what you should look for in your first position when you graduate. There are many reasons to work for a company: salarly, benefits, location, but have you thought of what KIND of company you want to work for? What you want the culture to be like? What they offer in terms of Career development? Not a just a job, but a place to grow. One great avenue is a rotational program. Many companies, including Handleman, offer rotational programs for a certain period of time. You can find rotational programs in IT, Operations, management, sales, and many more. So what makes a rotational program a great way to start your career? READ THROUGH LIST! Handleman Company December 1, 2018

5 Exposure to All Areas of the Company
Understand process flows for various departments Understand the implications of projects on other departments Increase efficiency throughout the company So let’s talk about each of these benefits. How many times does Department A put demands on Department B, without an understanding of what it takes to get Department B’s process done? For example, let’s say the Marketing Department has a great idea for a Halloween promotional displayer packed with Halloween music. They’re expecting it to fly off the shelves of their customer’s store. Marketing expects the displayers to arrive at the distribution center on Monday, they need to be shipped on Wednesday, and arrive in the stores on Friday. When Operations hears this timeline, they get nervous because they know it will take an additional 20 people at 8 hours both Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare the displayers to be shipped from the distribution center. They tell marketing that they just don’t think this timeline will work as they have to continue to ship to the company’s other customers as well. Marketing gets upset that Operations is limiting their creative ideas. The reality is, is that if Marketing understood the process flows of the Operations department, they could originally work out a better timeline to get their promotions into the customer stores. Gaining an understanding of the entire business can make an individual into a real asset to a company. Throughout a rotational program, you can gain a more in depth level of understanding about each department and the company as a whole. You develop an ability to think in the big picture and when you complete the rotational program, you are a greater asset to the organization. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

6 Focus on Training and Development
Professional Learning Providers In-House Training and Development Tuition Reimbursement When looking for your first job, look for a company that offers you opportunities for learning and growth; one that encourages you to look at your strenghts and weaknesses and offers you the avenues to make improvements in your skills. Many companies offer classes through a learning provider, or have their own in-house training departments. AS an added benefit, many companies, like Handleman, offer tuition reimbursement to further hone their employees’ skills. Rotational programs in and of themselves are actual their own training and development program. The purpose of the rotational program is to spend the specified period of time learning the ins and outs of the company, and they are an actual investment in you as a person and an employee. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

7 Multi-Tasking & Variety of Projects
Understand the day-to-day activities Understand the interaction between departments Another thing to look for in your first job is relevant work. The more projects that you work on, the more you will learn. With a rotational program, you will get the opportunity to spend time in many different departments, and as you build your knowledge base, you will understand how each project that you have worked on correlates to other departments. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

8 Exposure to Various Management Styles
Observe Managers Work with mentors and sponsors Develop your own management style There are dozens of books and articles about how to be the best manager, and how to create your own style. While all of these are valuable guides, nothing beats the actual experience of observing and working with managers throughout a rotational program. Look for a company that will allow you to be exposed to different types of management styles, at differing levels within the company. In addition, some companies provide their new hires and trainees with mentors and sponsors to help guide them through the rotational program. From all of this experience, you’ll be able to develop your own management style that suits you best. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

9 A Stepping Stone to an Exciting Career
Unlimited career paths Handleman rotational training program graduates have become: Senior Supply Chain Analysts Assistant Managers Directors Account Executives/Vice Presidents And More! Remember that your first job is a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Take every opportunity to learn all that you can while in a rotational program, and really understand that your career path is only limited by your imagination! At Handleman, some of our rotational graduates have gone on to become…… With the right amount of work and dedication, one day they might become our next CEO. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

10 More Time to Figure Out What You REALLY Want to Do!
Explore your areas of interest Take on a career path with variety Discover your “passion” Your first job, especially one in a rotational program, will give you the opportunity to figure out the different areas that really interest you. Like I said before, your career path is only limited by your imagination. With more and more companies focusing on cross-functional development, you could work as a supply-chain analyst in Operations, move to a manger in IT, and then return to Operations as a Logistics Director. The possibilities are endless! Take the time with a rotational program to really learn about all the different areas within a company! Handleman Company December 1, 2018

11 Operations Management Training Program
6-8-month rotational program Rotate through the corporate office Rotate through the Automated Distribution Center Spend time on our Wal-Mart Customer Team Goal: Develop Future Leaders of our Business Now that we’ve talked about the benefits of joining a rotational program out of college, I’d like to take a quick look at the Operations Management Training program that Handleman Company offers to Indiana University graduates. At Handleman we have a 10-month rotational program that IU grads join. You spend time in our corporate office rotating through different departments and also spend time in our distribution center. The knowledge you gain throughout the program and the relationships you build become invaluable throughout your career at handleman. Handleman Company December 1, 2018

12 IU Alumni at Handleman OMT Program Graduates
Phillip Skinner, BS ’01, Marketing/Operations Mgmt. Rebuyer, Product Management and Logistics Kevin Garvey, BS ’02, Marketing/Management. General Manager, Richmond ADC David Baize, BS ’04, Marketing/Management Assistant Mangager, Indianapolis ADC Dan Knecht, BS ’05, Marketing/International Studies Operations Management Trainee Handleman Company December 1, 2018

13 Kelley School of Business - UCSO
Want to join us? Resume Drop February 2nd – 7th Interview Dates February 2nd, 2006 – 1st Round Kelley School of Business - UCSO Handleman Company December 1, 2018

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