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Gibbs free energy and Cell energy

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Presentation on theme: "Gibbs free energy and Cell energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gibbs free energy and Cell energy

2 Free energy: Where does the energy come from that keeps all living things alive? All living things require a constant flow of energy. The sun is essential to all life on the planet.

3 Enthalpy Enthalpy: total kinetic and potential energy of a system at a constant pressure (H) change in enthalpy (ΔH) – change in heat of a system units for enthalpy are in J or kJ per mole (kJ/mole) ΔH = H final - H initial ΔH = H products – H reactants

4 ENTHALPY Chemical energy is stored in: moving electrons
vibration of chemical bonds rotation and translation of molecules stored nuclear energy of protons & neutrons energy stored in chemical bonds




8 Entropy One of the ideas involved in the concept of entropy is that nature tends from order to disorder in isolated systems. This tells us that the right hand box of molecules happened before the left.

9 Gibbs Free Energy Gibbs free energy is the energy that is available to do useful work. A reaction will spontaneously occur if ΔG < 0 (exergonic reaction) A reaction will NOT spontaneously occur is ΔG > 0 (endergonic reaction)

10 How are entropy and enthalpy related?





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