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CS210 Intermediate Programming with Data Structures

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1 CS210 Intermediate Programming with Data Structures
Welcome to CS210 Intermediate Programming with Data Structures May 31,2005 Namita Singla Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts Boston

2 Goals A student who successfully completes CS210 should:
Understand and be able to apply fundamental algorithms and data structures Understand basic analysis techniques Understand and use the Java Collections Framework Be prepared for the next CS courses CS310 – Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

3 Web Page The source for all things CS210
Schedule Syllabus Homework assignments Lecture slides Contact information By taking this course, you acknowledge that you are reading the web site You are responsible for knowing what is there 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

4 Namita Singla Call me “Namita”
Masters in CS from IIT, Kharagpur, India Working on Ph.D. at UMB Second year of teaching CS Career: Did Bachelors and Masters in CS Teaching in India Working on Ph.D. in the field of Data Mining with Prof. Simovici. Research Interests Data Mining Machine learning Semantic Modeling in Databases Contact Information Office: S-3-133 Office Hours Mon, Tue, Thurs 6: PM - Phone: 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

5 Textbook Textbook web site 12/1/2018
CS210-Summer 2005

6 Homeworks KEEP UP! Assignments
Each has a programming and written portion Start easy and get harder as the semester goes on Homework assignments are the foundations for the exams Understanding the homeworks helps a lot with preparing for the exams Not everything you need will be taught in class Late homework assignments will not be accepted for any reason Including system failure, illness etc. KEEP UP! 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

7 Homework Grade If you feel there is a problem with your grade on an assignment Write up the specifics of your problem, attach it to your assignment paper, and leave it for me in the department office 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

8 Exams Exam Grade Two exams
60 percent of your final grade Two exams Midterm 25 percent Final Exam 35 percent To get a late exam, you need a documented excuse Within 2 days after the exam Final exams You must be at the scheduled exam You cannot get an earlier exam if you are traveling Make your travel plans accordingly 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

9 Final Grade Your final grade will be determined from the sum of your homework and exam grades Passing is 55% You also must pass the exam portion to pass the course You need at least 55% of the total exam points If P is your percent grade, your letter grade will be: P ≥ 95 A 91 <= P < 95 A- 87 <= P < 91 B+ 83 <= P < 87 B 79 <= P < 83 B- 75 <= P < 79 C+ 71 <= P < 75 C 67 <= P < 71 C- 63 <= P < 67 D+ 59 <= P < 63 D 55 <= P < 59 D- P < 55 F 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

10 Honesty Cheaters will be caught Zero-tolerance policy for cheating
All assignments are individual assignments NO COLLABORATION All exams are to be your own work Zero-tolerance policy for cheating See the code of student conduct 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

11 Withdrawals and Incompletes
Dates Add/Drop ends June 7, 2005 Withdrawal Deadline July 7, 2005 Pass/Fail Deadline We will not support you to withdraw after the withdrawal date You can only get an incomplete if you are passing the course and cannot complete the course Not if you are failing and want to take the course again 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

12 Working from home You can set up the same environment at home as in the PC lab here I provide little support Software is free - See the “Install at home hints” on the course home page Java 1.4.2 Eclipse 3.0.2 net.datastructures (ds.jar) 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

13 Students with Disabilities
If you have a documented disability and need adaptation: Contact Ross Center for Disability Services Campus Center 2nd Floor Room 2010 Obtain an adaptation recommendation See me to discuss the recommendation Best before the drop/add date 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

14 Coding Conventions Conventions make the code more readable (by humans)
Make sure you review the Java Coding Conventions: Highlights: Package names begin lower-case (e.g. java.util) Class names begin upper-case Method names begin lower-case (except constructors) Indentation is four (4) spaces Beginning braces on same line, closing aligned with initiating keyword Instance variables begin lower-case, no special conventions (e.g. m_, etc.) One statement per line 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

15 Commenting Conventions
For CS210, every class, method, and public variable should have a javadoc comment /** * The comment goes here */ Other comments where they add clarity Not javadoc comments 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

16 Eclipse Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is open source and maintained by many software development leaders like IBM and Borland. Tutorial 12/1/2018 CS210-Summer 2005

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