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Poverty 2014 Young and Old. Do we have the skill? Do we have the will?

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty 2014 Young and Old. Do we have the skill? Do we have the will?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty 2014 Young and Old

2 Do we have the skill? Do we have the will?

3 Seniors and Poverty 1 in 10 (9%) FPN 1 in 7 (15%) SPM 4.8 Food Insecure 33% Increase in Homeless Seniors

4 Causes of Senior Poverty

5 Creating a Plan of Action

6 What will we do?

7 Readings So Rich, So Poor: Why Its So Hard to End Poverty in America by Peter Edelman The Working Poor: Invisible in America by David Shipler

8 Children and Youth Poverty

9 The Link-Brief Overview Housing & Homeless Youth Services: 4 Housing Programs for Homeless Youth (Lincoln Place, Lindquist Apartments, Housing First Program & TLP for a total of 138 Units) Juvenile Justice Alternative Programs: School Matters, Juvenile Supervision Center, Evening Reporting Center Safe Harbor Emergency Shelter and Housing for Sex Trafficked Youth

10 Why are youth at risk of poverty? They may be born into poverty through their parents/care givers economic status. They are young and do not have the ability to work full time due to their age and school obligations. Lack of employment history due to age-have a harder time finding higher paying employment opportunities (older youth).

11 Current Numbers-Still more work to do… Number of Children/Youth Living in Poverty in Minnesota 6% of the Child Population is Living in Poverty (200,000 in 2010) 20% of Children in Ramsey County are living in Poverty 36% City of Minneapolis 21% Blue Earth County 28% Beltrami County Childrens Defense Fund, 2013 Number of Homeless Children/Youth in Minnesota On Any Given Night 2,211 unaccompanied homeless youth under the age of 18 1,869 between the ages of 18 and 21. A total of 4,080 youth are homeless each night Wilder Research Center, 2013

12 Racial, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Disparities Half of all of the African American and American Indian children in the state of Minnesota are living in poverty. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 American Community Survey) African American children in Minnesota make up 7% of the general population but 46% of the children who are living in poverty. American Indian children make up 1% of the general child population in Minnesota but account for 49% of children living in poverty.

13 Racial, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Disparities In the metro area 54% are African American (when only 8% of the general youth population is). In Greater Minnesota 32% are Native American (when only 2% of the general youth population is). 20-40% identify as GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender) v. 3-5% of the general youth population. Wilder Research Center 2013 and Multiple Other Sources

14 Current Initiatives: Federal Examples Fostering Connections Act Educational Training Voucher Program SELF Program Family Unification Program Vouchers Federal Runaway and Homeless Youth Act Head Start & Early Head Start McKinney Vento Law

15 Current Initiatives: State Homeless Youth Act Safe Harbor Law/No Wrong Door Response for Sexually Exploited Youth Support Systems for Rural Homeless Youth Program Rural Homeless Youth Listening Sessions Project (partnership with Otto Bremer Foundation) State Plan to End Homelessness Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program Healthy Transitions to Adulthood Program

16 Current Initiatives: Local Examples Heading Home Plans Hennepin County No Wrong Door for Sexually Exploited Youth Plan Metro Youth Systems Redesign Project Stable Families Initiative Pilot Many Community Action Agencies are starting to develop youth specific programming (AEOA, Lakes & Pines, Scott Carver CAP, Lakes & Prairies)

17 Resources and Research Childrens Defense Fund, 2013 Minnesota Kids Count: count-2013-a.pdf Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless website No Wrong Door Legislative Report: documents/Documents/!2012%20Safe%20Harbor%20Report%2 0(FINAL).pdf documents/Documents/!2012%20Safe%20Harbor%20Report%2 0(FINAL).pdf Wilder Research Center website Youth Moving Forward,

18 Thank You! Jim Scheibel Honorary Professor of Practice Hamline University School of Business 651-523-2545 Beth Holger-Ambrose Executive Director The Link 612-767-4467

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