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Wellness Unit Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness Unit Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness Unit Review

2 1 When your body language and words don’t match.

3 2 Using _______ uses your point of view to send a message.

4 3 Choosing to face a stressor or run away.

5 4 Name 4 of the 6 traits of good character

6 5 What is nearsightedness?

7 6 Side of the health triangle that includes sleep.

8 7 Skin lotion used for blocking UV rays.

9 8 Outer layer of skin.

10 9 What is farsightedness?

11 10 Name the character.

12 11 Bacteria-filled film that forms on teeth and can be brushed off.

13 12 The largest body organ.

14 13 What are the three sides of the Health Triangle?

15 14 Your _______________________ is the way you think, feel and act.

16 15 Name the musical.

17 16 Riddle- If six men can dig six holes in six days, how long will it take one man to dig half a hole?

18 17 The process of dealing with strong feelings following any loss.

19 18 What is assertive?

20 19 The process for removing food particles from hard-to-reach places between teeth is?

21 20 What is Hygiene?

22 21 What is passive?

23 Answers

24 1 When your body language and words don’t match. Mixed Messages

25 2 Using _______ uses your point of view to send a message. I-Messages

26 3 Choosing to face a stressor or run away. Fight or Flight

27 4 Name 4 of the 6 traits of good character Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citzenship

28 5 What is nearsightedness? A condition in which objects close appear clear while those faraway look blurry.

29 6 Side of the health triangle that includes sleep. Physical

30 7 Skin lotion used for blocking UV rays. Sun Screen

31 8 Outer layer of skin. Epidermis

32 9 What is farsightedness? A condition in which faraway objects appear clear while near objects look blurry.

33 10 Name the character.

34 11 Bacteria-filled film that forms on teeth and can be brushed off. Plaque

35 12 The largest body organ. Skin

36 13 What are the three sides of the Health Triangle? Physical Social Mental/emotional

37 14 Your _______________________ is the way you think, feel and act. Self Concept

38 15 Name the musical.

39 16 Riddle- If six men can dig six holes in six days, how long will it take one man to dig half a hole?

40 17 The process of dealing with strong feelings following any loss Grief reaction or grief response.

41 18 What is assertive? Willing to stand up for yourself in a firm but positive way.

42 19 The process for removing food particles from hard-to-reach places between teeth is? Flossing

43 20 What is Hygiene? Cleanliness, Taking care of your body

44 21 What is passive? A tendency to give up, give in , or back down without standing up for rights and needs

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