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Practical Electrocardiography Introduction

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1 Practical Electrocardiography Introduction
Scott Ewing, D.O. Cardiology Fellow August 2, 2006

2 Syllabus Introduction Axis Determination
Atrial Arrhythmias, Bradycardias, and AV Conduction Block Junctional and Broad Complex Tachycardias Myocardial Ischemia and Acute Myocardial Infarction Conditions Affecting the Left Side of the Heart Conditions Affecting the Right Side of the Heart Conditions Not Primarily Affecting the Heart Exercise Tolerance Testing

3 Introduction Anatomy EKG Paper Lead Placement Normal EKG
Axis Determination





8 His-Purkinje Conduction System


10 The EKG Paper Time intervals indicated for the thick and thin vertical grid lines on the EKG paper are appropriate for the standard paper speed of 25 mm/sec Amplitudes indicated for the thick and thin horizontal grid lines are appropriate for the standard gain of 10 mm/mV Each small square is therefore 0.04 s × 0.1 mV, and each large square is 0.20 s × 0.5 mV

11 Depolarization

12 Normal EKG


14 EKG Limb Leads

15 EKG Limb Leads

16 Willem Einthoven (1860 – 1927) Dutch doctor and physiologist
Invented the first practical electrocardiogram in 1903 Nobel Prize Medicine in 1924 Died in Leiden in the Netherlands and is buried in the graveyard of the Reformed Church at 6 Haarlemmerstraatweg in Oegstgeest


18 EKG Augmented Limb Leads

19 EKG Frontal Plane

20 EKG Frontal Plane



23 EKG Precordial Leads




27 Normal Findings Tall R waves Prominent U waves
ST segment elevation (high­take off, benign early repolarization) Exaggerated sinus arrhythmia Sinus bradycardia Wandering atrial pacemaker Wenckebach phenomenon Junctional rhythm 1st degree heart block

28 Waveform Review

29 P Wave

30 P Wave

31 P Wave Atrial activation begins in the SA node Normal amplitude
Spreads in radial fashion to depolarize the right atrium, interatrial septum, then the left atrium Last area of the left atrium to be activated is the tip of the left atrial appendage Normal amplitude Seldom exceeds 0.25 mV normally in limb leads In precordial leads, positive component is normally less than 0.15 mV

32 P Wave Characteristics
Positive in leads I and II Best seen in leads II and V1 Commonly biphasic in lead V1 < 3 small squares in duration < 2.5 small squares in amplitude

33 P Wave – Lead II

34 P Wave – Lead V1

35 PR Interval / Segment

36 P Wave

37 PR Interval Beginning of P wave to beginning of QRS complex
Interval between the onset of atrial depolarization and onset of ventricular depolarization Time required for the activation impulse to advance from atria through the AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and the Purkinje fibers until ventricular myocardium begins to depolarize Does not include duration of conduction from SA node proper to the right atrium

38 PR Interval / Segment

39 PR Interval Normal PR Interval 0.12-0.20 seconds (adults)
Shorter in children, longer in older persons May become shorter as sinus rate increases Should be taken from lead with the largest and widest P wave and longest QRS duration Such selection avoids inaccuracies incurred by using leads in which the early part of the P wave or QRS complex is isoelectric

40 PR Interval Most of the AV conduction time is consumed by impulse conduction proximal to the His bundle Normal AH interval= ms Normal HV interval= ms Longer AH interval is result of slower conduction through AV node

41 PR Segment Horizontal line between the end of the P wave and the beginning of the QRS complex Duration depends on the duration of the P wave as well as the impulse conduction through the AV junction Usually isoelectric, however it is often displaced in a direction opposite to the polarity of the P wave Depressed in most of the conventional leads except aVR Displacement is mainly due to atrial repolarization

42 PR Interval – Lead II

43 QRS Complex

44 QRS Complex

45 QRS Complex Q wave – Any initial negative deflection
R wave – Any positive deflection S wave – Any negative deflection after an R wave

46 QRS Complex

47 QRS Complex Resultant electrical forces generated from ventricular depolarization Begins at the middle third of the left interventricular septal surface Spreads in a rightward direction Right ventricle begins to depolarize shortly after the initiation of left ventricular activation

48 Ventricular Depolarization

49 QRS Complex Soon after septal activation, the impulse arrives at most of the subendocardial layer of the myocardium of the apical and free wall of both ventricles through the Perkinje network and spreads in all directions Impulse spreads in endocardial to epicardial direction

50 QRS Complex Basal portion of septum and the posterobasal portion of the free wall of the LV are last areas of depolarization LV contributes most of the QRS forces due to larger muscle mass Polarity and amplitude of the QRS complex in the various leads are determined by the relation between these vectors and the lead axes


52 QRS Complex QRS duration represents duration of ventricular activation
Should be measured from lead with widest QRS complex Traditionally measured from the limb leads, but V1 or V2 may have the widest complex Normal QRS varies between second

53 QRS Complex Morphology and amplitude are affected by constitutional variables Advancing age: amplitude decreases Men > women Blacks > whites Thin > obese In limb leads, morphology depends on the orientation and amplitude of the QRS vectors in the frontal plane

54 QRS Complex Lead I: usually records a dominant R wave
In younger subjects with more rightward axis, R/S ratio < 1 may be seen Lead II: invariably has prominent R wave since mean vector is always toward II if QRS axis is normal Lead aVR: always records negative deflection Lead III: variable – Why?

55 Intrinsicoid Deflection
Represents the moment when the epicardial muscle lying under the electrode becomes depolarized Beginning of the abrupt downstroke after the R wave reaches its peak Time of onset measured from beginning of QRS to point of abrupt downstroke Used mostly in diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy and BBB when onset is delayed

56 QRS Complex – Lead V3

57 ST Segment

58 ST Segment Segment between end of QRS complex (J point or ST junction) and beginning of the T wave Represents a state of unchanged polarization between the end of depolarization and the beginning of repolarization Stage when terminal depolarization and starting repolarization are superimposed and cancel each other

59 ST Segment Most important information regarding ST segment is presence or absence and degree of displacement from isoelectric line TP segment is used as reference baseline Limb leads – elevation or depression < 1mm Precordial leads- elevation sometimes seen and normal in V2-V3 (< 2mm), rarely > 1mm in V5-V6 Any ST depression in precordial leads is abnormal (normal vector in horizontal plane is anterior and leftward)

60 ST Segment – Lead aVF

61 T Wave

62 T Wave Represents potential for ventricular repolarization
Proceeds in general direction of ventricular excitation Polarity of resultant T wave is similar to that of the QRS vector Upright in I, II, V5-V6 Inverted in aVR When inverted in 2 or more of right precordial leads, referred to as persistent juvenile pattern

63 T Wave Limb leads Precordial leads: Tallest in lead II
Normally < 6mm in all limb leads Should never be < 0.5mm Precordial leads: Tallest in V2-V3 (average 6mm) Smaller in left precordial leads

64 T Wave Normally asymmetrical
First half has more gradual slope than second half First portion has upward concavity if T-wave is upright and downward concavity if T-wave is inverted In right precordial leads, if T-wave is biphasic, the first portion is upright and second portion inverted Negative-positive biphasic T-wave is abnormal in leads V1-V3

65 T Wave – Lead aVF

66 QT Interval

67 QT Interval Represents duration of ventricular electrical systole
Measured from beginning of QRS complex to end of the T wave Lead with a large T wave and distinct termination is used Leads V2-V3 are usually best for this specific measurement

68 QT Interval Varies with heart rate (see table)
Lengthens as heart rate decreases Shortens as heart rate increases Increases slightly with age Diurnal variation of QTI has been documented Longer during sleep than during waking hours

69 Normal Limits QT Interval

70 QT Interval Normal = 0.35 – 0.45 second for HR=70 Bazett's correction
For every 10-beat increase or decrease of the rate, 0.02 second is deducted or added to the QTI Bazett's correction QTc = measured QTI divided by square root of RR interval Obvious abnormality if QTI > ½ RR interval

71 QT Interval – Lead aVF

72 U Wave

73 U wave Small, low-frequency deflection that appears after the T wave
Genesis is controversial Afterpotentials of ventricular myocardium Repolarization of the Perkinje fibers Amplitude is proportional to T wave Usually 5-25% of T wave voltage Largest in leads V2-V3 Prominent during slower heart rates Initial portion is normally steeper than terminal portion

74 Conclusion Questions?

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