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Energy, Motion and Force

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Presentation on theme: "Energy, Motion and Force"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy, Motion and Force
PHYSICS BASICS Energy, Motion and Force

2 PHYSICS The science of matter and energy and their interactions.

3 ENERGY The capacity to perform work & cause change Examples:
It’s best to think of it like “stuff” that you can store & move in different ways.

4 Energy storage All energy is the same
Energy is stored in different ways Analogy: information Analogy: Money

5 Energy Transfer Energy can move (or flow) from one system to another in different ways Energy transfer changes both systems. Analogy: Information Analogy: money

6 It’s all the same “stuff”
The energy is the same before, during and after the move. Analogy: Information Analogy: money

7 MOTION The action or process of moving or changing place or position

8 Potential Energy Ep Stored energy
Could do something but isn’t right now. Must do something with it to know its value Analogy: Money in the bank.

9 Kinetic energy Ek Stored energy When things are in motion
Provides information about Ep Analogy: spending money

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