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Advanced Digital Design

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1 Advanced Digital Design
Metastability A. Steininger Vienna University of Technology

2 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Outline What is metastability Effects and threats The unavoidability MTBU estimation Countermeasures Trends Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

3 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Digital Logic The output of a digital logic gate always assumes a defined logic level The undefined („forbidden“) voltage range in between is assumed only during transition (very shortly) for undefined input levels (!) „1“ „0“ Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

4 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Important Remarks Specified behavior of a component can be expected only on condition of its environment behaving as specified. Digital levels are represented by analog voltages. Also the transistors inside the gates are inherently analog elements. We just use a digital abstraction, since the gates are specified for a digital environment. Once generated, undefined logic levels have the potential to propagate Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

5 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Inverter Example analog transfer characteristics undefined input level may lead to undefined output level propagation of undefined level uout Inverter-characteristics uin BUT: No „generation“ of undefined levels (for defined inputs) here Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

6 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Response Time of a FF Observation: An input transition during the decision window leads to an (unbounded) increase of clock-to-output delay tclk2out CLK off-spec D tclk2out,nom tsetup thold tclk2data Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

7 Faces of Metastability
A data transition during the setup/hold window violates the environment speci-fications. Consequently the output does not behave as specified. Possibilities delayed but proper transition may cause timing problems creeping through undefined range generates long undefined level oscillation generates erroneous transitions Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

8 Metastability: Creeping
ue,2 = ua,1 stable (HI) Inv 1 5 4 metastable Inv 2 3 stable (LO) 2 1 ue,1 = ua,2 1 2 3 4 5 Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

9 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Physical Equivalent normal operation: sufficient impulse rolls ball over hill problem case: insufficient impulse Ball may remain on top („metastable“) for unbounded time A small disturbance causes the ball to fall in either direction Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

10 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Why a Setup/Hold Time? When swiching the latch from „trans-parent“ to „hold“ the feedback path must be already stable. Otherwise we feed the storage loop with a marginal condition (pulse width, level), thus creating undefined behavior Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

11 Metastability: Oscillation
PW<D1+D2 A pulse with length shorter than the roundtrip delay through the inverter loop can circulate Thus it appears periodically at the output  „oscillation“ D1 D2 Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

12 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
2 Ways of Triggering MS Time domain S/H violation will cause glitch/runt in the feedback loop Value domain Marginal input voltage stored even without S/H violation D L FB D Clk D L Clk FB L FB Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

13 Why voilate Setup/Hold?
in a closed synchronous system no violations will occur BUT: no system is really closed non-synchronous interfaces clock domain boundaries fault effects (single-event upsets) off-spec operation (temp, VCC, frequency) Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

14 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Asynchronous Inputs dec. win. T0 clock period Tclk setup/hold asynchronous event probability of setup/hold violation Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

15 Multiple Clock Domains
CLK 1 (Ref) CLK 2 arbitrary „phase“ relation setup/hold violation inevitable (fundamentally!) Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

16 Metastability: Thread
propagation undefined logic level/timing at input may produce undefined output „Byzantine“ Interpretation Thresholds/timing of different inputs are different (type variations) marginal input level/timing may be interpreted differently Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

17 Metastability Propagation
uout Inverter-characteristics data X X uin clk Combinational gates as well as the inverters inside the FF map metastable inputs to metastable outputs Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

18 Inconsistent Perception
Metastab. A threshold A X X 1 B treshold B The metastable state may be regarded as „1“ by one FF and as „0“ by another Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" A © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

19 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Metastability Proofs Formal proofs exist that no upper bound on the duration of metastable state can be given metastability can in principle not be avoided („Buridan‘s Principle“) Fundamental issue Mapping from a continuous space to a discrete space involves a decision that may take unbounded time (namely in borderline cases) Runts create such borderline cases Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

20 Metastability Avoidance?
Can‘t we avoid metastability in practice, if we Attach a Schmitt-Trigger at the output ? Change the input threshold of the successor stage ? Use a different storage element ? Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

21 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Why use the D-Flipflop? Metastability is not restriced to D-FFs, it is encountered with SR-latch, JK-Flipflop, Muller C-Gate,… basic issue: Even with perfect input level runts may emerge from looped-back outputs under unfavorable timing conditions Basically all biststable elements can become metastable max min min Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

22 Mitigating Metastability
Metastability cannot be eliminated in practice systems still work because metastability is very improbable it can be made more or less probable by design techniques It can be transformed between its different modes marginal level excessive delay oscillation Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

23 Quantifying the Risk of MS
„Upset“ metastable output is captured by subsequent FF after tr Mean Time Between Upset (MTBU) expected value (statistics!) for interval between two subsequent upsets Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

24 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Resolution Time clk asyn syn normal operation: tclk2out < tr upset: tclk2out > tr tclk2out tcomb tSU tres asyn syn comb. logic clk Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

25 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Parameters Resolution time tres interval available for output to settle after active clock edge Flip-Flop parameters tc ,T0 experimentally determined time constant tc dep. on transit frequ. T0 from effective width of decision window Clock period of FF Tclk = 1/fclk Average rate of change ldat Avg. rate of transitions at FF data input Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

26 Modeling Metastability
How can we derive this equation? Which model to apply? Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

27 Simple Metastability Model
model bistable element by inverter pair use linear model for inverter, around midpoint of transfer function („balance point“) consider „homo-genuous“ case, i.e. closed loop u1 u2 uout Inverter-characteristics uout = -A*uin uin Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

28 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Introducing Dynamics 1st order approximation of dynamic behavior: RC element assume symmetry (same A, RC for both inverters) for simplicity assume symmetric supply (+VCC/-VCC) against GND -A RC = t u1 u2 RC = t -A Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

29 Differential Equations
Basics: forward path: backward path: Laplace: time-domain solution: Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

30 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
The Solution u20-u10 … difference of initial voltages (charges on Cs); zero at balance point t … RC constant, bandwidth = 1/RC A … inverter gain at balance point A/t … gain bandwidth product of inverter starting from the initial difference u2 rises exponentially with time towards the positive or negative supply voltage Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

31 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Plot of u2 over Time For a given t we can project „forbidden“ input range back to a „forbidden“ range of the initial voltage difference Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

32 Forbidden Initial Range
u0 The forbidden output voltage range relates to a forbidden range of initial difference voltage (i.e. just after sampling). This range becomes exponentially smaller for high resolution time tres and high gain-bandwidth product A/t. Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

33 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Aperture Window TAW How long does it take for the input voltage difference to cross the forbidden range? Depends on feedback voltage slope (and probably on input voltage!) udiff(t), slope S +u0,border u0,border TAW Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

34 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Calibrating TAW TAW depends on u0,border , which in turn depends on tres for immediate use of the output: thus technology parameter Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

35 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Hitting the Aperture with exponentially distributed inter-arrival time of input events (rate ldat) and sampling with period Tclk (i.e. window TAW is repeated) the upset rate can be calculated as Hence the MTBU becomes Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

36 Putting it all together
1/tC Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

37 The widely used equation
expected time between upsets (statistical!) available resolution time rate of input events technology parameters sampling frequency Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

38 Provoking Metastability
asynchronous inputs multiple clock domains clock divider (uncontrolled delay) low timing margins slow technology (gain/BW prod) supply drop (excessive delay) Operation under high temperature Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

39 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Determination of T0, tC experimental: vary tres observe MTBU log graph => straight slope -> tC offset -> T0 typical values T0 tC 1 fdat = 1MHz fclk = 10MHz tr-tCO (ns) Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

40 Metastability – Trends
Claim: „Metastability is a non-issue in modern technologies“ log MTBU[s] 2002 (XC2VP4) 1996 (XC4005) BUT: clock rates have increased by a factor of 16 during that period – and timing margins have shrunk in the same way! 12 6 tres 5 Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

41 Mitigating Metastability
avoid/minimize non synchronous IFs leave sufficient timing margins use fast technology (gain/BW prod) ensure proper operating conditions (stable power supply, cooling,…) basic principle of synchronizers: trade performance for increased timing margins (tres) Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

42 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Synchronizer Example: Cascade of n Input-FFs asyn clk syn MTBU calculation: same equation as before, but now individual resolution times sum up: Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

43 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
MTBF of n-Stage Synchr. Recall the projection of allowed output range to an input range considering the exponen-tial increase during the resolution time: u0 for FFk is provided by the output of a preceding stage FFk-1 => we make the same projection again: Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

44 Assumptions made so far
linear inverter slope (1st order model) load independent gain dominating RC const. (1st order model) full symmetry (RCs, inverter properties, rising/falling slopes,…) decreasing exp term neglected homogenuous case (MUX switching and input signal shape neglected) equally distributed voltage levels exponentially distributed input events Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

45 What about Oscillation?
Can our model be used for oscillatory behavior? How / Why not? Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

46 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
A More general MS Model ideal amplifier pure delay slope limiter gain -A delay D time constant RC slope S GBWP = A/RC determines dynamics (decay of metastable state) oscillation for D > RC/A creeping otherwise Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

47 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Summary (1) The synchronous digital abstraction is valid only in a perfect environment. When confronted with out-of-spec inputs, digital circuit elements may show unexpected behavior. The design style has to ensure that out-of- spec inputs are not processed. In the vaule domain, a marginal signal level (or a runt) may propagate and/or lead to „Byzantine“ interpretation. Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

48 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Summary (2) In the time domain, a glitch may propagate, or cause a bistable element to become metastable. Metastability is unavoidable whenever a mapping from a continuous domain to a discrete domain is performed. Every realistic digital system suffers metastability (asyn inputs, clock domains). Metastability may manifest as excessive delay, creeping behavior or oscillation. Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

49 © A. Steininger / TU Vienna
Summary (3) Synchronizers trade performance for a reduced probability of a metastable upset. The MTBU due to metastability can be estimated by a dynamic model of the storage loop. The model and the measurement of the related parameters are based on many simplifying assumptions and suffer from considerable uncertainties. Metastability is also an issue for modern technologies. It can be best mitigated by large timing margins. Lecture "Advanced Digital Design" © A. Steininger / TU Vienna

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