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Distributing, Sets of Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers

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Presentation on theme: "Distributing, Sets of Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributing, Sets of Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers
Guided Notecards Distributing, Sets of Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers

2 Distributing Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition
Distributive Property of Multiplication over Subtraction Distributive Property of Division over Addition Distributive Property of Division over Subtraction

3 Distributive property of multiplication over addition
Notecard #1 - FRONT Distributive property of multiplication over addition

4 Notecard #1 - BACK a(b+c) = ab + bc

5 Distributive property of multiplication over subtraction
Notecard #2 - FRONT Distributive property of multiplication over subtraction

6 Notecard #2 - BACK a(b-c) = ab - bc

7 Distributive property of division over addition
Notecard #3 - FRONT Distributive property of division over addition

8 Notecard #3 - BACK a+b = a + b c c c

9 Distributive property of division over subtraction
Notecard #4 - FRONT Distributive property of division over subtraction

10 Notecard #4 - BACK a-b = a - b c c c

11 Sets of Numbers Natural Numbers Whole Numbers Integers
Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers Real Numbers Closure

12 Notecard #5 - FRONT Natural numbers

13 Notecard #5 - BACK {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} *counting…

14 Notecard #6 - FRONT Whole numbers

15 Notecard #6 - BACK {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …}

16 Notecard #7 - FRONT Integers

17 Notecard #7 - BACK {…, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …} *number line

18 Notecard #8 - FRONT Rational numbers

19 A quotient of 2 integers, a decimal value that stops or repeats
Notecard #8 - BACK A quotient of 2 integers, a decimal value that stops or repeats

20 Notecard #9 - FRONT Irrational numbers

21 A decimal value that never stops and never repeats (ex. ∏)
Notecard #9 - BACK A decimal value that never stops and never repeats (ex. ∏)

22 Notecard #10 - FRONT Real Numbers

23 The union of rational and irrational numbers
Notecard #10 - BACK The union of rational and irrational numbers

24 Notecard #11 - FRONT Closure

25 Notecard #11 - BACK Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide 2 numbers from a specific set, the answer is also from that set. Ex: = 5 (natural + natural = natural)

26 Properties of Real Numbers
Additive Identity Multiplicative Identity Additive Inverse Multiplicative Inverse Commutative Property of Addition Commutative Property of Multiplication Associative Property of Addition Associative Property of Multiplication Reflexive Property Symmetric Property Transitive Property

27 Notecard #12 - FRONT Additive Identity

28 Notecard #12 - BACK a + 0 = a

29 Multiplicative Identity
Notecard #13 - FRONT Multiplicative Identity

30 Notecard #13 - BACK a x 1 = a

31 Notecard #14 - FRONT Additive Inverse

32 Notecard #14 - BACK a + - a = 0

33 Multiplicative Inverse
Notecard #15 - FRONT Multiplicative Inverse

34 Notecard #15 - BACK a x 1/a = 2

35 Commutative Property of Addition
Notecard #16 - FRONT Commutative Property of Addition

36 Notecard #16 - BACK a + b = b + a

37 Commutative Property of Multiplication
Notecard #17 - FRONT Commutative Property of Multiplication

38 Notecard #17 - BACK a x b = b x a

39 Associative Property of Addition
Notecard #18 - FRONT Associative Property of Addition

40 Notecard #18 - BACK (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

41 Associative Property of Multiplication
Notecard #19 - FRONT Associative Property of Multiplication

42 Notecard #19 - BACK (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

43 Notecard #20 - FRONT Reflexive Property

44 Notecard #20 - BACK a = a

45 Notecard #21 - FRONT Symmetric Property

46 Notecard #21 - BACK If a = b, then b = a

47 Notecard #22 - FRONT Transitive Property

48 Notecard #22 - BACK If a = b, and b = c, then a = c

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