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Fraction Fun.

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Presentation on theme: "Fraction Fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fraction Fun

2 The bottom number of a fraction will always be the total number you are working with. In this picture we are working with four rectangles. So the bottom number will be four.

3 How many of the rectangles are blue
How many of the rectangles are blue? That’s right 3 are blue so your fraction will look like this … 3 4

4 You would say three-fourths of the rectangles are blue.

5 Let’s try a new problem. Write a fraction to show how many blue circles there are.

6 Remember the bottom number will be the total number of circles you are working with.

7 Your fraction should look like this…
3 4 You would say that three-fourths of your circles are blue.

8 How many squares are blue
How many squares are blue? Write a fraction to show how many squares are blue.

9 That’s right 4 out of 5 squares are blue
That’s right 4 out of 5 squares are blue. You would say four-fifths of the squares are blue.

10 Your fraction should look like this…
4 5

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