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Andrew Jackson and the Growth of Democracy

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1 Andrew Jackson and the Growth of Democracy
Chapter 14 Pgs

2 Inauguration of Andrew Jackson
10,000 people came to honor their hero Many first time voters Rescued country from disaster “Common Man” right to vote Over one million voted Peoples president


4 Frontier to the White House
Self-made man Joined militia at 13 and captured by British Became a lawyer Hot tempered Served in House and Senate Won most electoral and popular vote


6 Democratic Party Promised to represent ordinary farmers, workers, and the poor Not the rich and well-born like the Republican Party “The Hunters of Kentucky” campaign song Badges, carried hickory sticks, and slogans


8 Approach to Governing Listened to others, but did what thought was right “Kitchen Cabinet” – trusted friends and supporters met with Jackson in White House Kitchen Many thought these men were not the proper type to be running the country

9 Spoils System Civil servants – lifetime jobs in office
Jackson believed in switching people in office to give others a chance Spoils system – “to the victor belong the spoils (prizes) of war” Replaced many Republicans with loyal Democrats

10 Nullification Crisis Tariffs – taxes on imported goods
Congress passed law raising tariffs North favored, South did not Tariff of Abominations (horrors) South Carolina threatened to secede if law could not nullify the tariff laws Force Bill – use army to collect taxes Tensions grew in North and South


12 Battle Against Bank of US
Jackson distrusted bank owner Vetoed recharter bill “Unconstitutional Monopoly” “Make rich richer”

13 Indian Policy Tribes wanted to live in peace, whites did not have same goal Indian Removal Act – Allowed president to make treaties in which Native Americans in East traded lands for area in West Trail of Tears – Native Americans who refused to leave were forced out and marched west in handcuffs


15 Questions What name was given to Andrew Jackson?
Who was now allowed to vote? How did Jackson become President? What was the “Kitchen Cabinet?” Why did people disagree with the “Kitchen Cabinet?” Who did the Democratic Party represent? What was the Spoils System? Who threatened to secede if the tariff law was not stopped? Why did Jackson distrust the US Bank? What was the Trail of Tears?

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