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E177, Graphics Objects in Matlab February 26, me

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1 E177, Graphics Objects in Matlab February 26, 2008 http://jagger. me
E177, Graphics Objects in Matlab February 26, Copyright , Andy Packard. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

2 Schedule Week 6: (Feb 26, 28) Intro to GUI programming
Week 7: (March 4, 6) Callback examples, event queue processing, project discussion Week 8: (March 11, 13) HandleGraphicsToolkit class building, project discussion (40 minutes) Week 9: (March 18, 20) examples intro to C Spring Break (March 25, 27) Week 10: (April 1, 3) C language Week 11: (April 8, 10) C-mex interface to Matlab, Midterm Week 12: (April 15, 17) C-mex interface to Matlab, ? Week 13: (April 22, 24) ?, ? Week 14: (April 29, May 1) ?, ? Week 15: (May 6, 8) ?, ? FINAL: Tuesday May 20, 5-8PM ???

3 Graphics Objects in Matlab
Some of the different types of graphics objects in Matlab are Matlab session, the Root object Handle equals 0 child of root figure axes uicontrol uimenu uicontextmenu children of figure line patch surface text children of axes

4 Globally accessible, hidden data
“Within each” graphics object, you can store hidden, globally accessible data Use the command setappdata. This is called application data. Example: H = plot(1:10,sin(1:10)); A = rand(40,40); A(3,2) setappdata(H,’BigArray’,A); clear A whos % data is not in workspace Retrieve the data using getappdata. tmp = getappdata(H,’BigArray’); tmp(3,2) Data is “globally accessible” in that only the handle of the graphics object is needed to access its application data.

5 Callback Intro: Button-press events for line objects
If the mouse is pressed while the pointer is over the line a ButtonDownFcn event occurs, so… if a ButtonDownFcn callback has been set, it is executed The callback may be set in two manners using a char using a cell In the case of a char, the string is evaluated in the base workspace cbstr = [’disp(’’Mouse pressed on line’’);’]; set(H,’ButtonDownFcn’,cbstr); Now, if the mouse is pressed over the line, the command eval(cbstr) will be executed “in the base workspace”, ie., as though you typed >> eval(cbstr) % i.e., like typing >> disp(’Mouse pressed on line’); unless other callbacks are still executing. There is an event queue where unprocessed events are handled/scheduled in a defined fashion. E177...

6 Callback Intro: Button-press events for line objects
Change it to keep track of the number of presses cbstr = [’np = np+1;’]; set(H,’ButtonDownFcn’,cbstr); >> np = 0; Now, if the mouse is pressed over the line, the command eval(cbstr) will be executed in the base workspace, i.e., as though you typed >> eval(cbstr) % same as >> np = np + 1; Do it a few times, and it works. Easy to understand, but often not flexible enough… More generally, cell arrays will be used to specify callbacks. Any workspace, with H In base workspace

7 Summary: All graphical objects in Matlab
are referred to by a handle (also called pointer or address) have a get/set interface by which their properties are accessed and modified are created by constructor methods, but are not variables not being variables, they are not in any workspace being created with constructors, they are created from a specific workspace, but exist independent of workspace Remember, constructor returns handle to graphics object can store hidden, globally accessible data, called application data (in the form of Matlab variables) within them that exists as long as the object itself exists. By “within them” we mean Variables are not in any workspace Variables exist as long as the graphic object exists Variables are accessed/deleted/etc via the graphic object’s handle Have events associated with them Example: a pushbutton object has a ButtonPress event; a Figure object has a MouseMotion event, etc. Programs, called “callbacks” can be associated with events so that when the event occurs, the callback program is executed

8 Graphical objects .vs. Variables
Contrast the attributes of the graphical objects with the attributes of Matlab variables (like double, cell, char, struct and objects of user-defined classes) Graphics Objects: Are referred to by an address, called the “handle” Have a get/set interface to access/modify Are not associated with a workspace Can hide data Can generate events Matlab variables: Are referred to by name Are referenced directly to access/modify (primitives) Have a get/set interface to access/modify (objects) Live in a workspace Cease to exist when the workspace they live in is deleted. Since we write set/get, we could create this behavior too.

9 Writing reusable graphical based applications
In order to write a reusable, graphical based application using Matlab HandleGraphics, the “application” should mimic the attributes of the basic Matlab HandleGraphics objects referred to by a handle get/set interface by which its properties (“state”) are accessed store hidden, globally accessible data have events associated with changes in its state To accomplish this, it is best to integrate the graphics objects with the user defined classes. We will do this, over the next two weeks. Today, we give a partial overview of the strategy, minus the object oriented (user defined classes) wrapper. We need one more Matlab concept before starting Cell array callbacks (as opposed to char callbacks)

10 Cell array callbacks Create (for example) a pushbutton
PB = uicontrol(’style’,’pushb’); and a function, ARG5.m and a 1x4 cell array cb = ’e7’ [100;10;1]}; Set the callback of the pushbutton to be the cell array. set(PB,’Callback’,cb); What happens when the button is pressed? function ARG5(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) ... % some code here

11 Cell array callbacks Setup is PB = uicontrol(’style’,’pushb’);
cb = ’e177’ [100;10;1]}; set(PB,’Callback’,cb); Upon buttonpress, Matlab creates 2 objects, EventSrc and EventData, and executes the desired funtion, without outputs tmp = get(gcbo,’Callback’); tmp{1}(EventSrc,EventData,tmp{2:end}) equivalently ARG5(EventSrc,EventData,-14.1,’e177’,[100;10;1]) ARG5(A1, ,A ,A3 ,A4 ,A ) ARG5.m function ARG5(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) ... gcbo, builtin function, returns handle of object that generated the callback (get callback object, gcbo)

12 Cell array callbacks Setup is PB = uicontrol(’style’,’pushb’);
cb = ’e7’ [100;10;1]}; set(PB,’Callback’,cb); Upon buttonpress, Matlab creates 2 variables, EventSrc and EventData, & executes the callback function, w/out outputs tmp = get(gcbo,’Callback’); tmp{1}(EventSrc,EventData,tmp{2:end}) equivalently ARG5(EventSrc,EventData,-14.1,’e7’,[100;10;1]) ARG5(A1, ,A ,A3 ,A4 ,A ) ARG5.m function ARG5(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) ... gcbo, builtin function, returns handle of object that generated the callback (get callback object, gcbo)

13 PushButton/Counter ++ ++ 1 ++ 7
Let’s create an “object” consisting of a counter (initialized at 0) pushbutton (to increment counter) text display of counter value Initial appearance After one buttonpress After 7 buttonpresses User (programmer employing this object in their program) should also be able to program additional actions to occur after a button press. pushbutton frame text uicontrol ++ ++ 1 ++ 7

14 Overview of Tool Code function ToolH = fname(arg)
% Create objects which constitute the tool % These are the “subobjects” % Choose one subobject as the “tool handle” (ToolH) % Create ToolState variables which hold tool “state” % Hide ToolState variables in appdata of ToolH % Set subobject properties, event callbacks to subfcns % Input arg: ToolH (then subfcns can access ToolState) function subf1(Esrc,Edata,ToolH) % Ignore Esrc, Edata % Retrieve ToolState (from appdata of ToolH) % Do calcs, set properties of subobjects % Update and replace ToolState (appdata of ToolH) function subf2(Esrc,Edata,ToolH) function subf3(Esrc,Edata,ToolH)

15 PushButton/Counter State
Graphics “object” is the counter/display What information do we need to keep track of everything? value of counter handle of text display function_handle that user wants to additionally execute when the value is incremented Hence, ToolState consists of 3 variables CntVal, integer counter value DispHan, the handle of the text display uicontrol IncCB, function_handle (plus additional arguments) of user-defined increment callback ++ 1

16 function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB)
FrameH = uicontrol('style','frame',... 'position',[X Y ]); PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'position',[X+5 Y ],'str','++'); DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... 'position',[X+50 Y ]); ToolHan = DispH; setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); setappdata(ToolHan,'DispHan',DispH); setappdata(ToolHan,'IncCB', IncCB); ToolHan}); set(DispH,'str',int2str(0)); function LOCALinc(ESrc, EData, TH) Cnt = getappdata(TH,'CntVal'); DispH = getappdata(TH,'DispHan'); IncCB = getappdata(TH,'IncCB'); Cnt = Cnt + 1; set(DispH,'str',int2str(Cnt)); setappdata(TH,'CntVal',Cnt); if ~isempty(IncCB) IncCB{1}(ESrc,EData,TH,IncCB{2:end}) end Create the objects that constitute the tool Designate toolhandle Hide state in ToolHan Set callback events & subobject properties Retrieve ToolState Do calculations, set subobject properties Update ToolState Run user callback if it exists, passing supplied arguments

17 ++ function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB)
Create the objects that constitute the tool function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB) FrameH = uicontrol('style','frame',... 'position',[X Y ]); PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'position',[X+5 Y ],'str','++'); DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... 'position',[X+50 Y ]); ++

18 setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); setappdata(ToolHan,'DispHan',DispH);
function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB) FrameH = uicontrol('style','frame',... 'position',[X Y ]); PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'position',[X+5 Y ],'str','++'); DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... 'position',[X+50 Y ]); Create the objects that constitute the tool Designate toolhandle ToolHan = DispH; setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); setappdata(ToolHan,'DispHan',DispH); setappdata(ToolHan,'IncCB', IncCB); Hide state in ToolHan

19 set(PlusH,'callback',{@LOCALinc ToolHan});
function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB) FrameH = uicontrol('style','frame',... 'position',[X Y ]); PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... 'position',[X+5 Y ],'str','++'); DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... 'position',[X+50 Y ]); ToolHan = DispH; setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); setappdata(ToolHan,'DispHan',DispH); setappdata(ToolHan,'IncCB', IncCB); Create the objects that constitute the tool Designate toolhandle Hide state in ToolHan Set callback event(s) ToolHan}); set(DispH,'str',int2str(0)); function LOCALinc(ESrc, EData, TH) ... Last line of function, so Exit, function complete. Function instance workspace is deleted, but all graphics objects (in their current “states”) continue to exist . Set subobject properties subfunction (same file)

20 function LOCALinc(ESrc, EData, TH) Cnt = getappdata(TH,'CntVal');
function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB) PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... ToolHan = DispH; setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); ... ToolHan}); function LOCALinc(ESrc, EData, TH) Cnt = getappdata(TH,'CntVal'); DispH = getappdata(TH,'DispHan'); IncCB = getappdata(TH,'IncCB'); Cnt = Cnt + 1; set(DispH,'str',int2str(Cnt)); setappdata(TH,'CntVal',Cnt); Retrieve ToolState Do calculations set subobject properties Update ToolState

21 IncCB{1}(ESrc,EData,TH,IncCB{2:end}) end
function ToolHan = e117gui1(X,Y,IncCB) PlusH = uicontrol('style','pushbutton',... DispH = uicontrol('style','text',... ToolHan = DispH; setappdata(ToolHan,'CntVal',0); ... ToolHan}); function LOCALinc(ESrc, EData, TH) Cnt = getappdata(TH,'CntVal'); DispH = getappdata(TH,'DispHan'); IncCB = getappdata(TH,'IncCB'); Cnt = Cnt + 1; set(DispH,'str',int2str(Cnt)); setappdata(TH,'CntVal',Cnt); Retrieve ToolState Do calculations, set subobject properties Update ToolState Run user callback if it exists, passing supplied arguments Extra supplied arguments if ~isempty(IncCB) IncCB{1}(ESrc,EData,TH,IncCB{2:end}) end Our “convention”

22 PushButton Demo guidemoA.m replot.m % guidemoA script file
x = linspace(0,2*pi,200); Line1 = plot(x,sin(0*x)); set(Line1,'LineWidth',3); H1 = Line1}); function replot(Esrc,Edata,CntTool,LH) XD = get(LH,'Xdata'); Cnt = getappdata(CntTool,'CntVal'); set(LH,'Ydata',sin(Cnt*XD)); Plot a simple graph, and store the line handle Create the tool, set user-callback to replot, callback wiil pass line-handle as 4th argument guidemoA.m Get X data from line object (4th argument) Get toolstate (CntVal) from toolhandle (3rd argument) Using CntVal, set Ydata of line object. replot.m

23 PushButton Demo 2 guidemoB.m wacky.m % guidemoB script file
x = linspace(0,2*pi,200); Line1 = plot(x,sin(0*x)); set(Line1,'LineWidth',3); H1 = Line1}); H2 = Line1}); function wacky(Esrc,Edata,CntTool,LH) set(LH,'Color',rand(1,3)); Plot a simple graph, and obtain the line handle Create two tools, set user-callbacks, callbacks wiil pass line-handle as 4th argument guidemoB.m Randomly change Color of line object every buttonpress wacky.m

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