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Presentation on theme: "12/1/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/1/2018

2 Admin notes Sign-in @ registration table
One take-away book per registrant Wear your name tag We film general sessions and seminars When addressing the speaker or audience, please use hand-held microphones Symposium videos will be posted on the Practitioner’s video archive Attendance roster will be available for all 12/1/2018

3 6 February Session 1 East Room M 10:00 Welcome & Overview
David Stearns 10:30 The State of the IBI L. Carlos Lara 11:15 IBC – Points to Consider Nelson Nash 12:00 Lunch Session 2 Breakouts Group 2 East Room K Group 1 Carlos Lara 1:00 Case Study John Moriarty Interpretations Scott Bretl 2:00 Becky Rice Jim Oliver 3:00 Break 3:15 Client Interview Bruce Wehner Selling Larry Byrd 4:15 Mike Everett Paige McKechnie 5:30 Hosted Reception 6:30 Hosted Dinner 8:00 Practitioner’s Course Final Exam Robert Murphy

4 7 February 7:00 Breakfast Session 3 Breakouts East Room M
Group 2 David Stearns East Room K Group 1 Carlos Lara 8:00 Interpretations Scott Bretl Case Study John Moriarty 9:00 Jim Oliver Becky Rice 10:00 Break 10:15 Selling Larry Byrd Client Interview Bruce Wehner 11:15 Paige McKechnie Mike Everett 12:15 Lunch Session 4 1:00 IBC Review, State of the Economy, and IBI Plans for the Future Robert Murphy 1:45 Breakout Panel 2:30 IBI Panel 4:00 Practitioner’s Course Final Exam 12/1/2018

5 Think Tank Night of Clarity
Infinite Banking Concepts LLC United Services & Trust Corp Think Tank Night of Clarity Producers Consumers

6 Think Tank Night of Clarity
Infinite Banking Concepts LLC Resources Monthly Webinars IBI YouTube Channel Mentorship United Services & Trust Corp Think Tank Night of Clarity Producers Consumers

7 Dashboard Video Archive LMR Archive Monthly Webinar Archive
Promotional Material Private Store 12/1/2018

8 Ages

9 Financial Professional Breakdown

10 Agent Financial Professional Breakdown

11 Agents: Types of Contracts

12 Insurance Companies

13 New Production Annually

14 Renewals Annually

15 Course Relevancy

16 Where Expectations Met?

17 Would Your Recommend this Course?

18 What you want more of …

19 What you want more of … We need more practical applications of the program using language that is more easy to understand and apply How to better find available funds from a prospects fact find Example of using an IBC policy to buy and payoff a car loan and send a child to college Finding money in a tight budget to apply to an IBC policy Tax Considerations A more detailed explanation of policy loans Interest recapture from loan paybacks  More help in the marketing and promotion More effectively market myself as an IBC Practitioner to the general population

20 My Journey With IBC Scott Bretl Case Study Jim Oliver Selling Larry Byrd John Moriarty Becky Rice Client Interview Techniques Bruce Wehner Mike Everett Paige McKechnie

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