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GC and GC-MS.

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1 GC and GC-MS

2 Gas Chromatography Function Components Common uses
Chromatographic resolution Sensitivity

3 Function Separation of volatile organic compounds
Volatile – when heated, VOCs undergo a phase transition into intact gas-phase species Separation occurs as a result of unique equilibria established between the solutes and the stationary phase (the GC column) An inert carrier gas carries the solutes through the column

4 Components Carrier Gas, N2 or He, 1-2 mL/min Injector Oven Column

5 Injector Syringe Detector Gas tank Column Oven

6 Injector A GC syringe penetrates a septum to inject sample into the vaporization camber Instant vaporization of the sample, 280 C Carrier gas transports the sample into the head of the column Purge valve controls the fraction of sample that enters the column

7 Splitless (100:90) vs. Split (100:1)
Injector Syringe Purge valve open closed He He GC column GC column

8 Split or splitless Usually operated in split mode unless sample limited Chromatographic resolution depends upon the width of the sample plug In splitless mode the purge valve is close for s, which means the sample plug is seconds As we will see, refocusing to a more narrow sample plug is possible with temperature programming

9 Open Tubular Capillary Column
0.32 mm ID Mobile phase (Helium) flowing at 1 mL/min Liquid Stationary phase 0.1-5 mm 15-60 m in length

10 Oven Programmable Isothermal- run at one constant temperature
Temperature programming (gradient) - Start at low temperature and gradually ramp to higher temperature More constant peak width Better sensitivity for components that are retained longer Much better chromatographic resolution

11 Typical Temperature Program
60 Time (min)

12 Detectors

13 Flame Ionization Detector (ng)
High temperature of hydrogen flame (H2 +O2 + N2) ionizes compounds eluted from column into flame. The ions collected on collector or electrode and were recorded on recorder due to electric current.

14 FIDs Effluent exits column and enters an air/hydrogen flame
The gas-phase solute is pyrolized to form electrons and ions All carbon species are reduced to CH2+ ions These ions collected at an electrode held above the flame The current reaching the electrode is amplified to give the signal

15 FID A general detector for organic compounds
Very sensitive (10-13 g/s) Linear response (107) Rugged Disadvantage: specificity

16 Thermal Conductivity Detector
Properties Responds to all compounds Adequate sensitivity for many compounds Good linear range of signal Simple construction Signal quite stable provided carrier gas flow rate, block temperature and filament power are controlled Nondestructive detection Are not sensitive enough for capillary columns.

17 Thermal Conductivity Detector

18 Thermal Conductivity Detector
Measures the changes of thermal conductivity due to the sample (mg). Sample can be recovered. He and H gas is usually the carrier gas At constant electrical power, the temp of the device depends on the thermal conductivity (TC) of the surrounding gas. The filament is a Pt, gold or tungsten wire’Twin detectors are usually used There is a bridge circuit and arranged so that the TC of the carrier gas is cancelled. The filament may loose heat by radiation to a cooler surface and by conduction to the molecules coming into contact with it. When a compound elutes, the thermal conductivity of the carrier gas and compound gas is lowered, and the filament in the sample column becomes hotter than the other control column. Its resistance increased, and this imbalance between control and sample filament resistances is measured by a simple gadget and a signal is recorded

19 Electron Capture Detector (picogram)

20 Electron Capture Detector
ECD detects ions exiting from the gas chromatographic column by the anode electrode. 3H or 63Ni emits  particles. Ionization of the carrier gas: N2 (Nitrogen carrier gas) +  (e) = N2+ + 2e These N2+ establish a “base line” X (F, Cl and Br) containing sample +  (e)  X- Electronegative species capture electron Ion recombination : X- + N2+ = X + N2 The “base line” will decrease and this decrease constitutes the signal. Insecticides, pesticides, vinyl chloride, and fluorocarbons. Halogens, lead, phosphorous, nitro groups, silicone and polynuclear aromatics. Adv-Does not consume sample as in case of FID.

21 Mass Spectrometry

22 “Mass spectrometry is the branch of science dealing with all aspects of mass spectroscopes and the results obtained with these instruments.’’ 1. It measures mass better than any other technique. 2. It can give information about chemical structures., molecular wt. etc. To identify, verify, and quantify: metabolites, recombinant proteins, proteins isolated from natural sources, oligonucleotides, drug candidates, peptides, synthetic organic chemicals, polymers etc

23 How does it work? Gas-phase ions are separated according to mass/charge ratio and sequentially detected

24 A gas phase molecule subjected to energy
A gas phase molecule subjected to energy* greater than the ionization energy electron can be removed which results in the formation of a molecular ion:

25 Parts of a Mass Spec Sample introduction Source (ion formation)
Mass analyzer (ion sep.) - high vac Detector (electron multiplier tube)

26 Working of Mass Spectrometer
Ion source: makes ions Mass analyzer: separates ions Mass spectrum: presents information Sample

27 Mass Spectrometer Block Diagram
High Vacuum System Ion source Mass Analyzer Data System Inlet Detector

28 Ionization Techniques
Electron Impact

29 Chemical Ionization

30 Mass analyzers separate ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)
Operate under high vacuum (keeps ions from bumping into gas molecules) Actually measure mass-to-charge ratio of ions (m/z) Key specifications are resolution, mass measurement accuracy, and sensitivity. Several kinds like, quadrupole, time-of-flight and ion traps etc. are mostly used. Mass analyzers separate ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)

31 Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
Has four parallel metal rods. Lets one mass pass through at a time. Can scan through all masses or sit at one fixed mass.

32 Summary: acquiring a mass spectrum
Inlet Ionization Mass Analyzer Mass Sorting (filtering) Ion Detector Detection Ion Source • Solid • Liquid • Vapor Detect ions Form ions (charged molecules) Sort Ions by Mass (m/z) 1330 1340 1350 100 75 50 25 Mass Spectrum

33 EI, CI EI (hard ionization) CI (soft ionization)
Gas-phase molecules enter source through heated probe or GC column electrons bombard molecules forming M+* ions that fragment in unique reproducible way to form a collection of fragment ions EI spectra can be matched to library stds CI (soft ionization) Higher pressure of methane leaked into the source Reagent ions transfer proton to analyte

34 EI Source Under high vacuum filament 70 eV e- To mass analyzer GC column anode Acceleration slits repeller

35 EI process M+* f1 f2 f4 f3 M + e-
This is a remarkably reproducible process. M will fragment in the same pattern every time using a 70 eV electron beam


37 Mass Analyzers Low resolution High resolution Ultra high resolution
Quadrupole Ion trap High resolution TOF time of flight Sector instruments (magnet) Ultra high resolution ICR ion cyclotron resonance

38 APPLICATIONS Pharmaceutical analysis Bioavailability studies
Drug metabolism studies, pharmacokinetics Characterization of potential drugs Drug degradation product analysis Screening of drug candidates Identifying drug targets Bio-molecule characterization Proteins and peptides Oligonucleotides Environmental analysis Pesticides on foods Soil and groundwater contamination Forensic analysis/clinical

39 INTERFACING A> Interfacing GC with MS B> LC-MS interface
1. Molecular jet separator (all-glass) : Ryhage, 1966 2. Membrane separator : Llewellyn, 1966 3. Effusion separator : Watson-Bieman, 1964 4. Open split coupling 5. Capillary direct interface B> LC-MS interface 1. Moving belt wire interface 2. Thermospray 3. Atmospheric pressure inlet (API) 4. Electrospray 5. Particle beam 6. Dynamic FABMM

40 GC-MS Interface

Liquid phase operation deg. C No mass range limitations Inorganic buffers 1 ml/min eluent flow is equivalent to 500 ml/min of gas MS Vacuum operation deg. C Up to 4000 Da for quadrupole MS Requires volatile buffers Accepts 10 ml/min gas flow

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