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Homework-Thursday, Nov. 4th

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1 Homework-Thursday, Nov. 4th
½” Binder Due Friday, November 5th 2010 Complete Study Log Vocabulary Sheets for Autotroph, Multicellular, and Eukaryotic

2 2. Exam Corrections ( Oklahoma Only) 3. Study Log
Homework Check 1. Syllabus 2. Exam Corrections ( Oklahoma Only) 3. Study Log

3 Page Setup Set up your page by dividing it in half and labeling one side “Input” and the other side “Output.”

4 Do First: “Input Side” On loosleaf, please write and answer these questions. What do you know about plants? Plants are: ______________ Plants have:

5 The 4 Characteristics of a Plant:
The Four Characteristics all Plants share are: 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________

6 Answers Re-Visited 1. Eukaryotic 2. Multicellular 3. Need water
4. Autotrophs

7 All Plants Need: 1. ________________________
2. ________________________ ( process known as )

8 3 Basic Structures of Plants
Root Stem Leaves

9 Highlights and TQ’s Important Words from today’s class:
Eukaryotic, Nucleus, Autotrophic, Multicellular, photosynthesis. Practice TQ’s: A. Which plant structure is responsible for anchoring down a plant? B. What cell organelle in a plant cell is responsible for photosynthesis?

10 Your Turn- “Output Side”
1. Draw a plant and label the 3 basic parts. 2. A plant has a large vacuole. What characteristic of a plant relates to the structure of a vacuole? 3.A plant’s need for Sunlight relates to what plant cell organelle? Why?

11 Vocabulary Sheet Practice
A. Write down the template on looseleaf paper of the word Eukaryotic. B. Make a vocabulary sheet for “Multicellular.”

12 Exit Ticket: What are 4 characteristics of all plants?
Define “autotroph.” What are the three basic parts of all plants?

13 Do First: 11.3 1. What are characteristics of all plants?
2. What are the needs of plants? 3. Are humans autotrophs? 4. Do plants have organs?

14 Do plants have organs? Observe the plant at your table to determine if plants have organs.

15 What are the levels of organization?

16 Levels of organization in a plant:
Plant Cell Plant Tissue Plant Organs: Leaf, stem, root, flower, seed Plant Organ Systems: Shoot Systems, Root System Plant

17 The plant

18 Practice: What level is this?

19 Practice: What level is this?

20 Practice: What level is this?

21 Practice: What level is this?

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