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Mealy Mountain Hawks SOAR

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1 Mealy Mountain Hawks SOAR
March 2015

2 Hawks SOAR when they demonstrate:
Success Opportunity Attitude Respect


4 Class Expectations… Be an active participant Bring books and materials
Complete assignments on time Follow teacher instructions Listen attentively when others speak Use hall pass when out of class with permission Write tests when scheduled


6 Digital Environment Expectations…
Comply with teacher requests to turn in electronic devices Use educational websites only Use electronic devices responsibly Report inappropriate use of electronic devices immediately Seek permission from office before taking pictures or video Text during non-instructional time only


8 All Environments Expectations…
Be aware of allergies and scents Be punctual Dress appropriately Keep hands and feet to yourself Respect the rights of others regardless of Ability, Age, Colour, economic status, Gender, Gender identity, Language group, National/Ethnic origin, Race, Religion, Sexual orientation Use appropriate language and manners


10 Media Centre Expectations…
Keep room free of food and drink Keep shelves neat Use computer station and furniture properly Return chairs to their original location Use quiet voices


12 Auditorium Expectations…
Applaud the accomplishments of others Keep free of food and drink Pictures may only be taken by official photographers Sit quietly and attentively until dismissed Turn off electronic devices


14 Gym Expectations… Behave in a safe manner Keep free of food and drink
Participate to the best of your ability Share/use equipment appropriately Wear gym clothes and sneakers


16 Multi-Purpose Room Expectations…
Eat your own food Use appropriate manners Use garbage cans and recycling bins Wait patiently in-line to be served Wait do be dismissed by teachers on duty


18 Office Expectations… Be polite to office staff
Put away electronic devices while waiting Seek permission from parent & administrator to leave school before regular dismissal Use appropriate language and voice Wait patiently to be served


20 Parking Lot Expectations…
Exercise safe driving practices at all times Park in assigned space Place permits on the windshield Register vehicles at the office Use the appropriate exit


22 Washroom Expectations…
Flush toilets / urinals Report damage and graffiti Respect privacy of others Return to scheduled location quickly Wash your hands


24 Common Area Expectations…
Keep floors clean Respect the personal space of others Socialize at appropriate times Use locks and lockers to store belongings Use garbage cans and recycling bins Walk to the right


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