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Diabetes Increases Risk of CVD

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes Increases Risk of CVD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statins, Diabetes and Glucose Metabolism: Challenging Cases and Considerations

2 Diabetes Increases Risk of CVD

3 Diabetes and CVD Risk in Women

4 Diabetes Is a Global Disease

5 What Are Your Patients' Needs and Risks
What Are Your Patients' Needs and Risks? Pick the Right Statin for Your Patient's Risk and Comorbidities

6 Patient Case 1

7 Gender Differences in Response to Statins

8 Risk of Developing New-Onset Diabetes Meta-Analysis of Placebo-Controlled Statin Trials

9 Statin Reduction in MACE

10 T2DM Risk Increases With Statin Potency Meta-Analysis of 5 Clinical Trials

11 Suggested Causal Link Between Genetic Variants and Diabetes Incidence With Statins

12 Risk for T2DM Is Lower With Some Statins

13 Patient Case 2

14 2015 ACC Health Policy Statement Team Management

15 Intensity of Statin Therapy

16 Racial Differences in Response to Statins


18 REAL-CAD: Primary Endpoint CV Death/MI/Ischemic Stroke/UA

19 REAL-CAD Secondary Composite Endpoint

20 REAL-CAD Safety Outcomes

21 Human Cytochrome P450 Isoenzymes Known to Oxidize Clinically Used Drugs

22 Statin Considerations in the Elderly

23 Statin Pharmacokinetics

24 Selected Drug Interactions That Increase Statin Levels

25 INTREPID Trial Statin Therapy in HIV Patients

26 INTREPID Trial Results

27 Conclusion

28 Abbreviations

29 Abbreviations (cont)

30 Abbreviations (cont)

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