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DECEMBER 4, 2017 Turn in One Pager Get out stuff for Map Quiz Ethnicity Notes HW: read pgs. 222- 228.

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Presentation on theme: "DECEMBER 4, 2017 Turn in One Pager Get out stuff for Map Quiz Ethnicity Notes HW: read pgs. 222- 228."— Presentation transcript:

1 DECEMBER 4, 2017 Turn in One Pager Get out stuff for Map Quiz Ethnicity Notes HW: read pgs

2 Materials for Ethnicity Demo
Sheet of paper Notebook ready to take notes Orange pencil/marker Green pencil/marker Red pencil/marker Yellow pencil/marker Blue pencil/marker

3 Race vs. Ethnicity Separate your candy into two piles One for M&Ms and one for Skittles These two piles represent two races

4 RACE Physical characteristics of common genetic heritage
They are biological and not chosen. Social construct Social Darwinism scientific variables led to basis of racism. Features of race Skin color Bone structure/facial features Body type Hair type

5 Now separate the M&Ms and Skittles into groups of different colors

6 NATION & NATION-STATE Put a RED circle around the different groups of colored M&Ms and Skittles These red lines represent different nationalities They are tied to a certain physical territory Since there is only one nation in each territory, they are nation-states

7 NATIONALISM Each M&M is proud to be in the territory they are and feel loyalty and devotion to their nation. Put all the M&Ms in each group as close as possible to each other

8 Multinational State Draw a big Yellow circle around two nation groups of M&Ms and Skittles These two now share a common space or territory peacefully and recognize each other as distinct nations

9 Multiethnic State Draw a Blue circle around two other color groups
Mix the colors all together

10 SEGREGATION Draw a Green circle around two groups (one M&M and one Skittle) Separate the M&Ms from the Skittles within your green circle Separation based on race

11 ETHNICITY Draw an orange circle around all your candy creating one large state Within this nation separate candy by color, regardless of “race” Ex: Group yellow M&Ms with yellow Skittles

12 ETHNICITY These groups represent ethnicity
They share cultural traditions Ex: language, common history, territorial land, religion, customs, traditions One race can have multiple ethnicities Ethnicities can have uneven distribution in a state

13 ETHNIC CLEANSING Eat one of the color groups in your orange circle
Spread out the other colors in the big circle

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