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Search for Dark Matter physics 805 fall 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Search for Dark Matter physics 805 fall 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search for Dark Matter physics 805 fall 2008

2 WIMP search strategies
Direct detection Indirect detection: – neutrinos from the Earth/Sun – antiprotons from the galactic halo – positrons from the galactic halo – gamma rays from the galactic halo – gamma rays from external galaxies/halos – synchrotron radiation from the galactic center / galaxy clusters – ...

3 direct detection - general principles
WIMP + nucleus  WIMP + nucleus Measure the nuclear recoil energy Suppress backgrounds c c c Search for an annual modulation due to the Earth’s motion around the Sun December June




7 present limits

8 DAMA result (> 8 sigma)

9 WIMP Capture and Annihilation
nm DETECTOR c + c  W + W  n + n

10 7 IceCube + 18 AMANDA strings
Inner Core Detector Inner Core (same region as AMANDA) 7 IceCube + 18 AMANDA strings 225 DOMs OMs

11 neutralino capture and annihilation
rc velocity distribution sscatt Gcapture Gannihilation n interactions n int. m int. c sun nm m Freese, ’86; Krauss, Srednicki & Wilczek, ’86 Gaisser, Steigman & Tilav, ’86 Silk, Olive and Srednicki, ’85 Gaisser, Steigman & Tilav, ’86

12 indirect detection for cyclists
e.g. 104 m2 n-telescope searches for 500 GeV WIMP 300 km/s > LHC limit 1.  - flux 2. solar cross section

13 Nsun = capture rate = annihilation rate
_ c c WW 250 GeV 500 GeV mnm 3. Capture rate by the sun 4. Number of muon-neutrinos 0.1 is the leptonic branching ratio

14 5.5 x 1023 cm-3 104 m2 _ ~ # events = 10 per year

15 WIMP search Limits on muon flux from Earth
PRELIMINARY Limits on muon flux from Earth Limits on muon flux from Sun AMANDA 180d Antares 3 years 1km3 (IceCube) SK New solar system WIMP diffusion model -> more realistic neutralino velocity distribution (Lundberg&Edsjoe) Detection threshold (mu): ~50GeV (extrapolate to get limits for E>1 GeV) Cuts optimized for each mass independently Disfavored by direct search (CDMS II)

16 IceCube 22 strings

17 Status indirect search

18 IceCube Direct Detection vs Black: out Green: yes Blue: no
(Zeppelin4/Genius) Black: out Green: yes Blue: no


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