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Journal entry #33 Title: Letter to a soldier

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1 Journal entry #33 Title: Letter to a soldier
DOs DON’Ts Be kind and uplifting Ask about being shot at Positive messages Ask about shooting others Thank them Killing Write a “thank you” letter to a soldier. Please keep in mind the above items. These individuals are looking for positive messages and words of encouragement as they sacrifice time away from their families and loved ones. Please be sure to write legibly, so they can read what you wrote. Write in complete sentences using capitalization and correct punctuation.

2 Tuesday: © Presto Plans

3 Tuesday: Our: Are is a form of the verb to be. Our indicates possession. nearly: The adverb nearly should be used as it modifies a verb (is) definitely: Definitely was misspelled. warm, comfortable weather,: Commas are used to separate two adjectives beside each other. Weather was also misspelled. The comma after weather is removed because a comma is only added before a conjunction (and) when there are two complete sentences on either side. beaches: Beaches was misspelled. adventure, I: Commas separate introductory elements from the rest of the sentence. climbed…,eaten…, swum: Commas are used to separate items in a series. The items in the series should also agree in verb tense, so eaten and swum are correct. . Climbed was misspelled. scorpion / dolphins: Both of these words were misspelled. when we were: This was a dangling modifier. It sounds like the monkeys were on vacation in the original, so when we were is added for clarity. © Presto Plans

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