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Graduate School: Continuing Your Education

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1 Graduate School: Continuing Your Education
Brian D. Cherry, Ph.D. Assistant Provost- Graduate Education and Research

2 Why grad school? More people with a college degree.
Specialized nature of careers. Increase income. Required for promotions and mobility.

3 Thinking about graduate school?
Time to start is now. 3.0 GPA usually required GPA to be competitive for Graduate Assistantship/Teaching Assistantships. What exams will you need to take? GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT?? Visit Potential Schools

4 Things to think about. Graduate school is not a continuation of undergraduate degree. Going to graduate school may increase debt plus keeps you out of the job market. Don’t go to graduate school just to put off student loan debt. Student loans are the primary method of paying for graduate school.

5 Cost in Michigan University Tuition Northern Michigan $427 to $623
Eastern Michigan $ to $536 Lake Superior State $475 Central Michigan $476 to $548 Saginaw Valley $ to $529.85 Western Michigan $496.69 Ferris State $497 UM-Flint $499 to $698.75 Grand Valley $541 to $664 Wayne State $ to $ UM-Dearborn $595 Oakland U $617.50 Michigan State $621.25 Michigan Tech $789 Michigan $12,776 Semester

6 Time to Degree Masters Degree- 30 credits to 42 credits, 2 to 3 years including thesis or capstone. Ph.D.- 90 credits, 3 to 4 years of course work plus a year or more dissertation. Law Degree- 90 credits, three years of full-time course work. Must pass bar exam. Medical Degree- 4 years of medical school plus 3 to 8 years of internship and residency.

7 Michigan Median Income- $48,471

8 Education, Earnings, and Unemployment

9 Lifetime Earnings

10 Is graduate school for me?
What type of income do you need? What type of lifestyle do you want? You are going to be 30 years old one way or the other… either you are going to be where you want or not.

11 Questions???

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